Thursday, March 23, 2017

OMG!! Someone PINCH me please!!

OMG!! Someone PINCH me please!!

I can't believe how #LipSense and God has blessed my life these past 2 months!! Especially yesterday! 
I mean, it's lipstick right?!?! What's the big deal?!?
Let me tell you....💋
2 months ago on a snow day like yesterday, I would have been STRESSED beyond stressed because I wouldn't be getting paid, because I work at a job that is hourly. We all know you need to work to make money! 
But with #LipSense, I am no longer worried! I am making an income beyond my wildest dreams! And I am having fun while doing it! PLUS yesterday, just one day, I was able to pay for BOTH of my student loans!! Yes, in just one day, I made enough to pay those yucky billls! ðŸ˜œ
And now, today, I am thanking God for pushing me out of my comfort zone and not giving up on me when I questioned him. 
If you are considering doing this, Jump now!! I promise you, you won't regret it and your bank account / bills / family will thank you for it!! ðŸ˜‰
And remember all you have to do is look / act Confident and you can PULL anything off even building a lipstick business from the ground up!! ðŸ˜˜ðŸ’„💋

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