Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Consistency its NOT about Perfection!

Consistency is NOT perfection. It is simply REFUSING to give up!!

We are all human. 
Not one of us is perfect. I know I'm not! 
Are you?
When we talk about being consistent with our clean eating, our workouts, our attitude, our full time job, etc we think perfection. 
Well guess what!?!?
I am here to tell you that consistency DOESNT equal perfection. 
We can try very hard to be consistent but life will happen and we will have a day that we miss or mess up or just need a break from reality! 
And that is okay!! 
It's how you handle those missed days and mess ups next that defines consistency!
Consistency is REFUSING to give up!! 
If you have a bad day it's OKAY! 
Just don't give up, don't have 2, 5, 10 bad days in a row. Brush off the mistakes or mess ups and jump back on the track right away and keep going!! 
Consistency is the secret to success! 
So keep being consistent and keep going whether you fall down or trip. You aren't perfect.
This is a journey not a destination that you are on. You can do it!!

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