Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Beauty Tip Tuesday - Night Pak From Senegence

Amazing New Anti-Aging Results!

Oh My… I am so EXCITED about the Night Pak from SeneGence that I’ve been geeking out and reading everything I can about collagen and what it does or doesn’t for our skin. So if you want to geek out with me, read on!

Only our skin, meaning mammal skin, can make collagen in the deepest layers. Collagen is a topical treatment unless your own skin produces it. Topically applied collagen will help lock moisture into the skin.

Night Pak by SeneGence and other “legit” collagen products should be applied at night, when the skin is at rest and thus the collagen can protect and promote your skin’s elasticity. When you wash the product off, you are removing the collagen ingredient.

As we age, our natural ability to make our own collagen decreases, thus the frenzied marketing about the ingredient. We all need it, but how do we get more of these important building blocks of youthful skin?  You can’t drink it or take supplements that give you collagen; the digestive system breaks it down and it doesn’t help the skin. However a diet rich in Omega-3 has been proven to help promote your body’s collagen production.

There are three different approaches in skincare to promote collagen production:

Scrubs— referred to as a scrub because it “exercises” your skin. Increased blood flow to the skin does help cell renewal. This is why facials are beneficial. I promote gentle loving on your face (without a washcloth) every night. A gentle, circular motion with your fingertips will increase circulation.

Retinol/Vitamin A derivative, often called Retin-A – this stops the forward march of collagen degradation and promotes collagen production. In independent clinical labs, our skincare products with SenePlex Complex promotes collagen synthesis by 168%, which is 166% more than Retinol and 158% more than Lactic Acid! Yay super cool!

Fillers offer fabulous, quick and visible results, but they break down the lower levels of your skin over time, causing permanent damage.
Here are some of the amazing facts about SeneGence Night Pak:

Most collagens are animal-based. Ours is not! It is plant-based marine collagen. The marine-based collagen is very rare. The swirls in the product are the SenePlex.

Night Pak strengthens your skin’s natural collagen matrix. SeneGence Night Pak has layered collagen to fill in those creases, lines and wrinkles with a marine-based collagen, not animal-based.

Night Pak is layered with SenePlex, which increases cell renewal by 23.3%. SenePlex Complex has been scientifically proven in a lab and on thousands of women. It is broken down molecularly so it can penetrate into your skin and offer results like 55.7% reduction of wrinkles!

As always, SeneGence products are a better value than the competition when you look at our ingredients, scientific results and how long the products last— we really are in a league of our own!

Most women just want to know: does it work? Yes it does!

All of our skincare lasts over 6 months. So why am I excited about a product that only lasts 2 months? I’m so proud about the price point. Although it’s more than our other products, it’s so much less than similar products on the market. In my research I couldn’t find any other product with marine collagen for less than $110 a month – and of course none of those have SenePlex. Night Pak is only $42.50 a month! When you decide to subscribe to auto ship (you won’t want to run out of this!) you will get free shipping and you will get a FREE bottle every year!

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