Monday, February 19, 2018

#ConfidenceTip for you Ladies....

#ConfidenceTip for you Ladies....

When your negative inner, critical voice starts to rear its ugly head, use a STOP word / phrase and say it OUT LOUD! 
For example, “NO!” “GO AWAY!!” “NO THANK YOU!!”
Thought stopping is powerful and thought replacing is even more powerful. After you speak your thought stopping word, replace it with a positive phrase that counteracts the negative.
For example, “I GOT THIS!” “I CAN DO IT!” “I CAN HANDLE THIS!”
We are our own worst enemies! Instead of bringing each other down or bringing ourselves down, let’s empower each other. Let’s tell each other that “WE CAN DO IT!” That “WE GOT THIS!” THAT “WE ARE STRONG!”
Let’s be known as women empowering women instead of women bashing women!
You ladies are AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL, STRONG, CONFIDENT! You can HANDLE anything! 💪🏻😘♥️

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