Monday, February 5, 2018

Happy #Seneversary!!!

Happy #Seneversary!!!

EXACTLY 1 Year ago from Monday, January 29th, I stood at the crossroads of my coaching business, filled with doubt in face of daunting circumstances. I lost passion, drive, and my finances were in a very bad place.
But I had a big vision and God had a new path for my vision. I knew my old business was coming to an end and it scared me. I was comfortable, I had a routine down, but I was going no where and change needed to happen.
So when a new business opportunity came to me and God continued to bring it up in my dreams and thoughts through out the day, I had to jump! 
Jump now figure it out later had been  my motto this past year! I mean lipstick and make up is the total opposite of working out and drinking shakes! 
Plus when I started my new business, I had no experience with makeup let alone how to promote it and sell and I definitely had no start up capital. 
I did have a VISION and a major PURPOSE! 
It was my BURNING desire to live the life not only I want but the life that God wants me to live.
And that purpose along with Gods will is what made me jump. And GIRL, am I ever glad I did!!!
A year ago I was worried about my finances and how I was going to pay for food, let alone my bills and rent. I was scare, no I was beyond scared, I was frightened. 
Now, 1 YEAR LATER...I am not. 
It's amazing what one Year of this business has done not only for me and my confidence, but for my finances. I am no longer scared each. I am actually excited for the future!!!
I am Excited to continue on this amazing journey, excited to continue to follow Gods path, and excited to continue to follow my dreams and start living again without fear of the unknown! 
Whatever you are thinking about doing, do it! Jump now, figure out later! There is #NoBetterTime than the start of a #NewYear!
I did it and am so glad I did!
Don't let fear old you back.

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