Monday, April 2, 2018

God's Timing!!

Gods will.
Gods way.
Gods timing.

Not something that’s easy to accept. Not something that is easy to come to terms with. Especially if you are a control freak, like me.
But it’s something that I am coming to terms with everyday.
A month ago I was told that the place I was living in was in the process of being sold and that I had to move out and find a place. That same week my husband called and said he got a job at Lafayette University and was moving there March 4th.
I was in limbo! I didn’t know what to do. Do I find a place and sign a year lease? Do I move to Easton, PA with him and work on our marriage? I felt overwhelmed and stressed.
I did the only thing I knew I could do and that was pray. Pray that God would give me the answers. That he would show me the way. That he would let me know what path he wanted me on.
And he did! I found a place for short term that allows me to finish the school year and then head to Easton in the summer.
Gods timing may not look perfect to us. It may not even make sense. But in the end it always works out and it always works out better than we could have ever imagined.
So know that whatever you are going through, whatever stress or troubles or trials you are fighting, know that God is with you. That he has a plan for you. And that he isn’t giving you any thing you can’t handle.
It’s Gods Will. Its Gods Timing. It’s Gods Way. All you have to do is trust and believe!

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