Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Motivational Wednesday - YOU control what your body looks like and how it feels!

Tough Love Post......

YOU control what your body looks like and how it feels!
Yes, YOU!! 
You are in control of what you put into your body. You are in control of how you take care of your body. You are in control of your mindset. You are in control of your thoughts and what you think you can and can not do!
It starts with YOU! 
If you want to feel a certain way, look a certain way, eat a certain way or think a certain way then you need to take control and do it!
Drop the excuses. 
Quit using excuse after excuse on why you can't workout or why it's just not the right time to get healthy! Throw I can't out the window! The more you say you can't the more your mind believes it! 
Start saying you can can! Because guess what?!? You CAN!!! You just have to want it bad enough! And believe in yourself!!
Will today be your day? 
Will you take control of your body? 
Your life? 
Or will you continue to make excuses?

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