Thursday, May 31, 2018

Beauty Tip Thursday - Nangai Oil

Hydrate with Nangai Oil

Help hydrate skin with the purest form of natural moisture-retention ingredients known today. Nangai Oil, obtained from the nut of the Nangai tree, is light and velvety and helps reduce signs of aging and works to make skin luminous and deeply hydrated.

Pure caprylic/capric triglycerides are naturally present in Nangai Oil, and do not require processing or manufacturing in order to create the purest, most beneficial product to moisturize your skin. The triglycerides present in Nangai Oil are all-natural and form a barrier on skin that stops water from evaporating. At the same time, it does not feel greasy or heavy.

Our specially formulated Nagai Oil also contains additional beneficial ingredients including anti-aging SenePlex Complex, a kinetic enzyme that increases cellular renewal, and Algae Extract, used to hydrate, protect skin from the sun, and soften skin. Nangai Oil can be applied to the face and to other parts of the body that may require additional moisture including elbows, heels, arms, legs, and more. It can also be applied to the ends of the hair to add moisture to dry, split ends.

Use after cleansing and before moisturizing at night. Apply a few drops to fingertips and rub until Nangai Oil is clear (can be hardened by cold temperature and is warmed by fingertips); gently spread across the surface of the skin. Dry skin may require twice-daily use, both day and night.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Motivational Wednesday - It's not the FINISH line that matters, it's having the COURAGE to start!

It's not the FINISH line that matters, it's having the COURAGE to start! 

Stop looking at the end results! Stop telling yourself that you need to BE at a certain point by a certain time frame before you even start!! 
You need the courage to start before you can start making any goals, deadlines, and progress!! Quit wishing for it and start working for it. 
Will it be hard? 
Will it be scary? 
Will it be a change? 
Will it be worth it in the end?!? 
The definition of courage is the ability to do something that frightens one. 
It means change! It means taking that first step in making that crappy feeling and / or situation change for the better!! I believe in you!! You need to believe in yourself and want it bad enough.  Do you?
Do you have the courage to take what it's got? 
Do you have the courage to change? 
Do you have the courage to try?

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Transformation Tuesday - Energy Transformation

Would you believe me if I told you that this drink right here has total changed my life?!?!

I know it’s crazy to think a drink could seriously change someone’s life but this has!!
Not in any medical ways or weight loss ways (which it has, when it comes to weight loss ⬇️ 5+ pounds)
Honestly it’s sooo much more! It’s the energy!! Yes that’s right this drink, which is NOT an energy drink has given me soo much energy and not the hyper kind the focused kind!
I drove 3 hours yesterday after being on my feet all day and I had more energy and was able to focus more clearly on the drive than I have ever been able to before! 
Not to mention that I can literally jump out of bed feeling like I got the best nights sleep every night! 
If you need energy, need better focus then you need #ketones! They will seriously change your lifestyle!! 🙌🏼😱🙌🏼😱

Monday, May 28, 2018

Gluten Free ✔️ Celiacs ✔️ Practically Superhero ✔️

Gluten Free ✔️
Celiacs ✔️
Practically Superhero ✔️

Seriously how perfect is this shirt?!?!
When I saw this yesterday at the gluten free expo I HAD to have to! 
I mean I do live everyday with celiacs. 
Did you know it's an autoimmune disease?
It is. And it's one that affects me everyday. And one that use to affect me emotionally.
I use to get so down and out on the weekends! Why?!?
Living as a celiac is hard, but the weekends or so I use to think were always the hardest!
Think about it. What do you do on the weekends? You got out, drink, eat, meet up with friends, and have fun.
Having celiacs is like being an outcast. It's a curse yet a blessing at the same time.
Living in PA there aren't many or if any gluten free restaurant. And most are pizza places and let’s be real, you can only eat pizza so often.
All the other restaurants have a gluten free menu, but are cooked in the same kitchen, using the same utensils as the gluten menu items. So cross contamination happens. And to me it happens every time.
Yes, I am that sensitive to food and what I put in my body. Like I said a blessing and a curse.
So weekends use to be no fun. But now, my mindset has changed!! 
Having celiacs is a blessing. It has brought me to find a passion I never had. I found a passion for baking, health, and fitness! I found a way to balance my life, enjoy what I have, and make the most of it!
Yes it may have taken me 17 years to figure it out, but I did! I no longer let people judge me for eating the way I do or not eating when we go out. Or that I am into health and fitness and enjoy a treat. Trust me I do! Chocolate and peanut butter are a weekend occurrence!  🙈
So needless to say when I saw this shirt I had to have it because not only have I come a long way with celiacs, aka 17 years, but it reminds me of how far I have come with my mindset with it! 🤔💪

Friday, May 25, 2018

Health and Fitness Tip #179 - 7 Healthy Habits For Staying Fit Into Your 50's and Beyond

7 Healthy Habits For Staying Fit Into Your 50's and Beyond

Some say that one of the keys to living a long and healthy life is to stay active and exercise well into old age. But for many people, by the time they get to age 50, they find that their body has declined — joints hurt, muscles are stiff and they just don’t have the stamina they did before.

Fortunately, there are things you can do right now  to prevent those problems so you can look forward to many more years of all your favorite sports and activities. As an added benefit, by exercising and training as you age, you’ll make your “golden years” much more healthy and enjoyable.


Eating the right kinds of food helps you maintain a healthy body weight, gives your body the vitamins and nutrients it needs and keeps your immune system in tip-top shape.

Eating the wrong kinds of food, however, can lead to weight gain and chronic inflammation, which could worsen aches and pains and impact your recovery.

Focus on eating whole foods — lean meats, lots of veggies and fruit and good sources of carbs — and drinking plenty of water.


Many people struggle to get the necessary amount of sleep and ultimately rely on caffeinated drinks to help them get through the day.

If you’re pushing your body week after week, year after year, then you need to make sure you improve your sleep quantity and quality. That’s because deep sleep is when your body repairs and rebuilds itself from all your training and exercise.

Take the necessary steps to improve your sleep hygiene. Make sure your bedroom is dark, cool and quiet. Stop using electronics about an hour before bed because the bright lights interfere with your circadian rhythm. Invest in a high-quality mattress or mattress topper. (Considering you spend 1/3 of your life on a bed, it’s worth the investment.)


Stress from work, family, finances, etc., adds up fast. Stress puts a lot of strain on your autonomic nervous system, increases your stress hormones and negatively affects your health. This makes it to harder to recover from exercise, limits the results you’ll see and may even contribute to injuries and health problems.

To prevent this, take 10 minutes every day to decompress. Turn off your phone, close your computer, put in some earplugs or headphones, close your eyes and focus on breathing from your belly.


Even with the best intentions, there will be moments when you get hurt or injured. Although it’s tempting — or even a badge of honor — to “push through the pain,” for long-term results, this is a bad idea.

Don’t just think about today’s game or today’s workout: Think about doing this for many, many years to come. If you tweak something in the gym or on the court, shut it down for the day. Rest, repair, recover and come back healthy and strong.


Workouts like sprints intervals, heavy weights and intense circuits are great, but they’re also stressful on your body — everything from your joints to your nervous system needs time to rest and recover after hard-hitting training. But if you do them all the time, it will lead to fatigue and potentially cause injuries.

Instead, add at least 1–2 low-intensity workouts every week. For 20–40 minutes, do easy aerobic work to get the blood flowing, (which helps your muscles recover and improves your cardiovascular health), and finish with some gentle foam rolling, stretching and breathing. You’ll feel so much better when you leave the gym and be ready to go for your next high-intensity day.


The more you specialize in only one sport or one style of training, the more likely you’ll develop overuse injuries and muscle imbalances because of all the repetition.

Instead, break out of one-dimensional training and incorporate new sports, movements and skills into your life. For example, if you ski, try martial arts. If you’re a runner, then add swimming to your routine. If you love to lift weights, take dance classes once a week.

More variety is better and it’ll help you save your body from overuse for many years of exercise.


As we age, our mobility and flexibility declines, which can increase the risk of injuries and make it harder to do the activities we love.

To enjoy plenty of exercise — no matter your age — take the time now to improve the range-of-motion in your body. Before every workout, do a dynamic warmup where you open your body and move properly. On your off-days, take a few minutes to stretch to help your body stay loose and mobile.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Beauty Tip Thursday - NEW Limited Edition Bouquet of Glosses!

NEW Limited Edition Bouquet of Glosses!

Great news! You may now sell Bouquet of Glosses individually on your personal SeneSite. Simply add colors individually to your SeneSite inventory.

Bouquet of Glosses Collection combines LipSense Gloss favorites Rose, Orchid and Bougainvillea with new, limited edition shades Golden Iris (a shimmering gold), Blue Orchid (an iridescent, shimmery blue), and Sweet Pea (a mauve berry with golden shimmer). Wear over your choice of LipSense color or over bare lips to add a subtle tint and shimmer.
Like all LipSense glosses, these gorgeous tinted shades are enriched with Vitamin E and Shea Butter for moisturizing and protective benefits. Free iridescent zippered pouch included.*

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Motivational Wednesday - If you want to CHANGE, you have to be WILLING to be UNCOMFORTABLE!

If you want to CHANGE, you have to be WILLING to be UNCOMFORTABLE! 

Change isn't easy, it's hard!! If change was easy, we would all be doing it. 
Change is scary and a lot of times we use the excuse, why fix something that's not broken, or I don't have the time, or my kids come first or my job comes first. 
Do theses excuses sound right? Do you say these? Stop!!!
Look at change as good! It doesn't matter if you are the healthiest person on the plant or the sickest person. 
Change it up. Add variety to your life. Start living for you and become step out of your comfort zone!! 
You can do it!! 
Change is good! We all need to do it, in one aspect of our life or other!! 
Don't run from it, embrace it!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Transformation Tuesday - My 3 Month Journey with Ketones


Soooo if you follow me you know that I'm all about balanced nutrition🍎, getting my workouts in 💪 and finding what works for YOU & your body....with a side of #LovingYourself 💜💕
I am NOT the person that's going to stand behind anything that I don't whole heartedly believe in! 💯🙌 #notmyjam 
Here's the deal, you KNOW I've done my own research and that for the last 5 years I've been focused on making this healthier lifestyle easy to follow & fun.....BUT also realistic for me and for YOU!! #ItsAllAboutBalance
The past 5 years have been AHHHH-MAZING and totally life changing but it's time for this girl to change it up & challenge myself, my comfort zone and this body of mine!! 👍
I beyond excited to share my 3 months journey! Check this out!! These are my results in 3 months from drinking #Ketones daily!....😱#GOALS
When I initially heard about ketones, I was an instant 'skeptic' 🙌, UNTIL I dug a little further, looked past the physical results and listened to what was happening for her on the inside & how she was FEELING..... for days 💥
.....brain fog lifted 💆 more 'squirrel brain' 🙌
.....mental clarity 💭
.....better sleep 😴
.....better mood 🤗 #smilingismyfavorite
.....improved digestion 💩
AND then, the physical results made sense to me!! When you FEEL GOOD, you look good! 👌 #HECKYEAH
<<<<insert my curiosity🤔🤔🤔>>>>
So I went to work and started my research and here's what I know, ketosis turns your body into a fat burning machine amongst other things....and I mean these results speak for themselves ---- #right?!?! 😁
If you're reading this, you already know there is NOT one ounce of me that believes in quick fixes🙅 #beentheredonethat and that does not and will not work!! I'm conscious of what I put into my body & my family's body. BUT I also want to help more people get down with living this healthy/balanced lifestyle and sometimes that means changing things up a bit! 🙌
I am SOOOOOO excited to add this supplement to what I'm already doing & take my results to the next level. Not to mention, it only has 5 ingredients 👊 #winning 
Does anyone want to join me for 10 days of using it? Comment "I'm In" below and I will hook you up!!!!✌💁

Monday, May 21, 2018

Meatless Monday - Broccoli Cauliflower Mac and Cheese

Meatless Monday - Broccoli Cauliflower Mac and Cheese


1 bag of frozen cauliflower rice
1 bag of frozen broccoli
1/4 tsp Pink Himalayan Salt
1 T Coconut Oil
1 T Coconut Amino Acids
1 T Nutritional Yeast


1. Cook bag of cauliflower rice according to directions
2. Preheat oven to 450
3. Roast Broccoli for 30 minutes, flipping over at 15 minutes.
2. Once Broccoli and Cauliflower rice are done cooking place in bowl. 
3. Add 1 T of Coconut Oil
4. Add 1/4 tsp salt
5. Add 1 T of Coconut Amino Acids
6. Top with 1 T of Nutritional Yeast
7. Mix well together

8. Enjoy!