Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Transformation Tuesday - My 3 Month Journey with Ketones


Soooo if you follow me you know that I'm all about balanced nutrition🍎, getting my workouts in 💪 and finding what works for YOU & your body....with a side of #LovingYourself 💜💕
I am NOT the person that's going to stand behind anything that I don't whole heartedly believe in! 💯🙌 #notmyjam 
Here's the deal, you KNOW I've done my own research and that for the last 5 years I've been focused on making this healthier lifestyle easy to follow & fun.....BUT also realistic for me and for YOU!! #ItsAllAboutBalance
The past 5 years have been AHHHH-MAZING and totally life changing but it's time for this girl to change it up & challenge myself, my comfort zone and this body of mine!! 👍
I beyond excited to share my 3 months journey! Check this out!! These are my results in 3 months from drinking #Ketones daily!....😱#GOALS
When I initially heard about ketones, I was an instant 'skeptic' 🙌, UNTIL I dug a little further, looked past the physical results and listened to what was happening for her on the inside & how she was FEELING.....
.....energy for days 💥
.....brain fog lifted 💆
.....no more 'squirrel brain' 🙌
.....mental clarity 💭
.....better sleep 😴
.....better mood 🤗 #smilingismyfavorite
.....improved digestion 💩
AND then, the physical results made sense to me!! When you FEEL GOOD, you look good! 👌 #HECKYEAH
<<<<insert my curiosity🤔🤔🤔>>>>
So I went to work and started my research and here's what I know, ketosis turns your body into a fat burning machine amongst other things....and I mean these results speak for themselves ---- #right?!?! 😁
If you're reading this, you already know there is NOT one ounce of me that believes in quick fixes🙅 #beentheredonethat and that does not and will not work!! I'm conscious of what I put into my body & my family's body. BUT I also want to help more people get down with living this healthy/balanced lifestyle and sometimes that means changing things up a bit! 🙌
I am SOOOOOO excited to add this supplement to what I'm already doing & take my results to the next level. Not to mention, it only has 5 ingredients 👊 #winning 
Does anyone want to join me for 10 days of using it? Comment "I'm In" below and I will hook you up!!!!✌💁

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