Monday, May 21, 2018

Meatless Monday - Broccoli Cauliflower Mac and Cheese

Meatless Monday - Broccoli Cauliflower Mac and Cheese


1 bag of frozen cauliflower rice
1 bag of frozen broccoli
1/4 tsp Pink Himalayan Salt
1 T Coconut Oil
1 T Coconut Amino Acids
1 T Nutritional Yeast


1. Cook bag of cauliflower rice according to directions
2. Preheat oven to 450
3. Roast Broccoli for 30 minutes, flipping over at 15 minutes.
2. Once Broccoli and Cauliflower rice are done cooking place in bowl. 
3. Add 1 T of Coconut Oil
4. Add 1/4 tsp salt
5. Add 1 T of Coconut Amino Acids
6. Top with 1 T of Nutritional Yeast
7. Mix well together

8. Enjoy!

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