Monday, May 28, 2018

Gluten Free ✔️ Celiacs ✔️ Practically Superhero ✔️

Gluten Free ✔️
Celiacs ✔️
Practically Superhero ✔️

Seriously how perfect is this shirt?!?!
When I saw this yesterday at the gluten free expo I HAD to have to! 
I mean I do live everyday with celiacs. 
Did you know it's an autoimmune disease?
It is. And it's one that affects me everyday. And one that use to affect me emotionally.
I use to get so down and out on the weekends! Why?!?
Living as a celiac is hard, but the weekends or so I use to think were always the hardest!
Think about it. What do you do on the weekends? You got out, drink, eat, meet up with friends, and have fun.
Having celiacs is like being an outcast. It's a curse yet a blessing at the same time.
Living in PA there aren't many or if any gluten free restaurant. And most are pizza places and let’s be real, you can only eat pizza so often.
All the other restaurants have a gluten free menu, but are cooked in the same kitchen, using the same utensils as the gluten menu items. So cross contamination happens. And to me it happens every time.
Yes, I am that sensitive to food and what I put in my body. Like I said a blessing and a curse.
So weekends use to be no fun. But now, my mindset has changed!! 
Having celiacs is a blessing. It has brought me to find a passion I never had. I found a passion for baking, health, and fitness! I found a way to balance my life, enjoy what I have, and make the most of it!
Yes it may have taken me 17 years to figure it out, but I did! I no longer let people judge me for eating the way I do or not eating when we go out. Or that I am into health and fitness and enjoy a treat. Trust me I do! Chocolate and peanut butter are a weekend occurrence!  🙈
So needless to say when I saw this shirt I had to have it because not only have I come a long way with celiacs, aka 17 years, but it reminds me of how far I have come with my mindset with it! 🤔💪

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