Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Motivational Wednesday - Nothing worth having comes easy!

Nothing worth having comes easy! 

I don't know about you but there are days I wish this saying wasn't true! 
I wish I could be Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz and just click my heals 3 times and have what I want!! 
BUT.....what fun is that?!? What fun would it be if you didn't work for it? If you didn't challenge yourself? If you didn't go through the ups and downs we call life? 
First off, Life would be boring and and second, we wouldn't be who we are! Ups and downs, going after what we want, challenging ourselves, it's what makes us who we are! 
Yes, when we set a goal or start something new it can be scary and there will be times we fall down. But don't let those falls stop you from going after what you want. Don't let those downs make you step away. Instead forge ahead and keep going! 
Remember Rome wasn't build in a day and neither will your goals or the body you want happen in a day! 
It's a process, it takes time. 

Don't stop! Believe you can and you will!!

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