Monday, June 4, 2018

You can't make everybody happy, you're not KETONES!

You can't make everybody happy, you're not KETONES! 😉💁

.....seriously though, as I sit here and package up these little 💜LIVE•LIFE•BETTER💜 packs, I can't help but think of how scared, nervous & excited I was to get a package in the mail just like this. 🙌

Maybe you look at all of this and think....."eh, what's the big deal?" --- Well when I look at this, I see.....

.....someone who struggles to get out of bed each morning, finally waking up before the alarm, not hitting snooze a million times, ALL with a big ole' smile on their face! 👌

.....a mom that feels guilty that she's so tired all the time, finally have the energy to play with her kids! 💕

.....a wife {& mom} that was rushing out the door everyday with 5 min. to spare, finally being productive & GSD before the kids even wake up! 👊

.....a friend who's been struggling to bust through a weight-loss plateau, finally reach her goal! 💪

.....a hard working woman who has struggled to get through her work days, finally plowing through spreadsheets & taking names! 😎

......a wife that snapped at her husband on the daily, that has had LIFE breathed back into her & can be the wife she wants to her husband. 💜

Soooooo, YOU may see 'no big deal', BUT I see a whole hell of alot of life changing potential!! 🙌✨ 
I'm packing up more of these 10 day experiences tonight & have another shipment coming my way.......drop a 👊 below if you're ready to experience BETTER!!! 😘

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