Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Wednesday Post

You only get ready by starting.

A lot of times in life we ask ourselves when can we start doing what we want to do. When should I start to work out? When should I start to eat clean? When should I look for a new job? And a lot of the times we tell ourselves not yet, or tomorrow or next week, or the week after, or next month, or next year. Those are all excuses. 
Here is a question for you....why not start now?
Quit wishing, quit dreaming, quit saying someday. There is no time like the present. There is no someday. When you say someday you and I both know that the chances of someday showing up are slim to none.
So again...why not now? Because you're not ready? Because you don't have the time? Because you don't have the money? Maybe not. But if you wait until you are ready, or do have the time or the money, maybe you will never do it. 
You will only be ready when you start. You will only be ready when you step outside your comfort zone and go for it! You will only be ready when challenge yourself.
Will you start today? Will you jump outside your comfort zone? Will you take the plunge? OR will you keep saying someday?

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