Friday, August 17, 2018

Health and Fitness Tip #190 - 5 Summer Workout Tips

5 Summer Workout Tips

Summer is a great time to start healthy habits that will last you a lifetime. Fitness should be exciting and fun to ensure you won't lose interest and stop before you get the results you want.Here are five tips that I've shared with my personal training clients over the years to help them incorporate healthy choices into everyday life. These small changes add up, and before you know it, you're living the fit life and feeling phenomenal.

1. Drink More "Fun" Water

It's important to drink plenty of water, especially in the summer when you're more prone to dehydration and you're sweating more during your workouts. I like to make infused-water "mocktails" to make plain water more delicious without the added calories of other drinks. Just slice up your favorite fresh fruit and add it to your water. There are even specially designed fruit-infuser water bottles you can buy.

2. Find a Workout Buddy

Some of my favorite buddy workouts during the summer include biking, outdoor dance classes, canoeing/kayaking and, of course, hiking — even better with a healthy picnic at the end! You get to spend a beautiful day outdoors with a friend, and you won't even notice the amazing workout you're getting.

3. Work Out in the Morning

Getting up first think in the morning to fit in a sweat session is a great way to jump-start your day, plus you'll avoid the peak summer sun. If you have trouble waking up and getting to the gym, try leaving yourself a motivational sticky note on your sneakers and putting them by your bed. Once you get into the routine, you'll be able to stick with it into fall and winter.

4. Try Online Training

Online training is one of the most convenient ways to work out — without any excuses. All you need is a laptop and an Internet connection (maybe not even that if you download the workouts beforehand). You can train inside if you prefer an air-conditioned space or outside if you like fresh air and sunshine. There are services like Trainerize that connect you to a virtual personal trainer, and you can find tons of workouts on YouTube (check out LIVESTRONG's YouTube channel for more).

5. Fuel Up Beforehand

I always tell my clients to eat a small meal or snack at least 90 minutes before any workout to ensure they have the best levels of energy. This is especially important when your body is working extra hard in the heat. A protein or energy bar (either one you make yourself or buy at the store) is an easy way to fuel up before a workout.

Along with eating a balanced diet and moving at least 30 minutes each day — whether it's swimming, surfing, running or any other favorite sport — always make sure you're challenging yourself in your workouts and having fun in the process. So tell me! What's your favorite workout? Did you find any of these tips helpful? What else would you add? Share your thoughts and suggestions in the comments below!

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