Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Motivational Wednesday - Rule your mind or it will rule you!

Rule your mind or it will rule you!

The mind is funny thing! It has a lot more POWER over us then we realize! 
What our mind thinks, is what our body does or does not do.
If you think you can't, then you can't. If you think your a loser, than you are. 
Your thoughts control you.
Don't let your mind RULE you! RULE your mind! Take control of your thoughts! Take control on what you think. Take control of your mind.
Stop thinking negatively about yourself! Stop telling yourself you can't! 
Start BELIEVING in yourself! Start telling yourself you can!! 
The only thing stopping you from being successful, reaching your goals, losing weight, finding a new job, or eating YOU!! 
Today turn your cants into cans and your negatives into positives! You CAN do it! I believe in you! 
Today is the day you overrule your mind!

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