Monday, August 27, 2018

When you Know you are Where you're suppose to be!

When the Stars ALIGN!! 

......when you are doing  e x a c t l y  what you’re meant to be doing, everything else will fall into place. #alignment 🙏🏻

Once I decided to be open to my true purpose......
the opinions of others, 
the jokes/snide comments made behind my back, 
the fear of failing, 
the unsupportive ‘friends’.....
N O ✌🏻 L O N G E R ✌🏻 M A T T E R E D ! 

Truth is, I’ve seen what happens when I give up.......and welllllll, I’m wayyyyy more interested in seeing what happens when I go alllllll the way in to pursuing better for me && everyone I cross paths with. ♥️

Babe, it’s time that you ditch all your fears and start using your  s t r e n g t h s to RUN towards ALL that you’ve ever wanted out of this beautiful life! 💯✨

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