Wednesday, March 13, 2019

God Sized Dreams!

God Sized Dreams! Do you have them? Did you know we were all born with them?

I didn't know I was. I thought I was just meant to be a teacher for the rest of my life. I mean I taught for 8 years before I quit. 
Crazy, right? 
I mean I gave up my pension. I gave up my retirement. I gave up my security. I gave up my benefits. All for what? For a new passion?!? To become my own CEO?!?! To BUILD an online business?!?
Yep! I didn't realize it at the time,  BUT, I was following my God Size Dream! 
So why I did I do it? Why did I give up all the security?!?!
Because I was being pulled to follow my dream. I prayed hard on what to do, I mean I thought teaching was it. 
The education system is not what it was when I went into teaching. It wasn't the same. 
AND I lost my passion and drive for teaching. For 2 straight years I went to bed crying and woke up crying everyday. I was not longer happy and I lost the passion and drive I had for teaching! I knew I couldn't live the rest of my life the way I was living. I was miserable and it reflected in my relationships with my then fiancé, family, and friends.
So I followed my Dream. My dream of being my OWN boss. My Dream of growing a team. My Dream of Owning my Own business. 
And now, 4 years later, my Dream is continuing to lead me, to allow me to follow my passion, and most of all to continue to HELP others do the same thing!! 
And I am happy!! Truly happy waking up each day and following my dream!
Some days are easier than others, of course, but when I feel like I am on the wrong path, I look back and remember how I got here, and how my dream is BIGGER, every day, how I am not here to be rich in money, but to be rich in helping others with THEIR OWN God Size Dreams. 
I have big goals. And a lot of them are hairy scary audacious goals but there is no other option but to succeed! Why? Because the fear of having to go back to teaching is scarier then the hairy scary audacious goals I have set for myself!
Making this leap, following my God Sized Dreams was the best decision I made and I would love for you to become part to my team working towards your goals whether they are making a supplemental income, replacing your salary, or just having the extra income to spend.
Don't ask why? Ask yourself why not?!? And jump!! Jump now!

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