Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Tasty Tuesday - Energy Drink No?!?!

Tasty Tuesday - Energy DRINK No?!?!

Is it like an energy drink?
Short answer : NO!

Long answer :
I believe this is what people look for in an energy drink .... A clean energy that lasts for HOURS without the jittery feeling in the beginning and the crash too soon afterwards.


I had a serious energy drink problem a couple of years ago ... bad enough that when I would do a 3 day cleanse, I got bad withdrawal systems. Why because I was drinking it multiple times a day so I could build a business and I was running on nothing but the caffeine, sugar,  and other crap that was loaded in what I thought was a CLEAN energy powder / drink....

I thought it was the answer to staying up late, powering thru workouts, building a business and staying up late again to just do it all over again. and boy was I wrong.

I was draining myself and my body. I was getting sick because my immune system was WAY down!! 

So, no ... this is nothing like those chemical laden energy drinks I slammed a few years ago ... but it is what I was looking for all those years to get the focus I needed to get thru hours of working out, the energy to build a business, & the good mood my husband and friends didn't get to see when we went out!

Cheers to technology ... to a company that knew just what we need as busy moms, dads, college students, and working professionals to power thru the days with a clean source of energy!

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