Wednesday, April 10, 2019

What a Week! So blessed!

What a week!

While on my walk today I took the time to reflect on this week and just how amazing it was.
I am so grateful to have the job I have. Not only am I doing a passion that I thought I lost but I get to do it right from home.
Teaching is amazing but doing it from home is even more amazing.
And this week has been the best so far! 
Why? Because I have the BEST students ever!!! This week they had me in tears more than once but both good tears.
They made my hurt burst Monday with their huge hearts and how they cheered each other on when getting answers right. And today tears of laughter because kids seriously say the darnedest things!
Find the joy in the littlest things and you will find joy in everything! 
Thank you Reach Cyber Charter School for giving me this amazing opportunity and filling my heart so that it burst with so much joy!!

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