Friday, July 12, 2019

Health and Fitness Tip #235 - Transformation...What does it Mean?

Transform definition:

Make a thorough or dramatic change in the form, appearance, or character of.

When we truly transform our lives, we leave behind all that once was. Our bad habits, sedentary ways, our “living on the sidelines” mentality. Many get comfortable and complacent in life. I was one of those people. Getting habitual with days, nights, and weekends. Not having any goals, direction, or a clear vision of where I wanted to go in life. It takes a strong person to break out of their everyday “norm” and step outside their comfort zone.  

Discipline to not turn back to what was once easier, more convenient, mindless, or effortless.  Going through a transformation will change a person, radically. Not only physically, but mentally. Your sense of self worth is renewed. Your gratitude is elevated. Your confidence is restored. All of you in this group have an urge to transform. One thing, one mindset, one habit......whatever it was that drew you to this group, you’re here for a reason. 

I truly hope you felt the love and support over the past few days with us, and are ready to jump in again next month. It’s an honor and a privilege to serve in this group as one of your keto reboot coaches. So much like the butterfly below, you’re all transforming. Better habits, better mental stability, better lives. For that, I truly commend each and every one of you!  

Life is amazing. It’s even better when you’re in control. Control your emotions. Control your habits. Control your EQ. Control your controllables. Remember, it’s not about the destination, it’s about the person you become in the journey.

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