Monday, July 29, 2019

Motivational Monday - Do you sometimes feel defeated?

Do You Sometimes Feel Defeated? 

Maybe it’s a frustration at work or a number on the scale that almost made you cry. I understand. But, can I encourage you? Even in the midst of hard days, you can be victorious.

Set small goals that allow you to make progress! We can set small or mini-goals physically by making one healthy choice like drinking eight glasses of water today.

We can also set mini-goals spiritually. Dedicating 5 minutes of our day to reading God’s Word, memorizing a verse or learning a new worship song can help us gain a better outlook.

We can’t control our circumstances, but we can control our choices. And setting small goals physically and spiritually will position us for progress today and victory for tomorrow.

How can you set some small goals right now?

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