Monday, July 8, 2019

Monday Motivation - Achieving Daily Greatness

Achieving Daily Greatness

Sunday’s and Monday's are usually focused of food prep moving into the upcoming week. We know that food prep is key if you are looking for nutritional success. ✔️

Today I’m sharing time prep through organization. When you ask most people why they don’t go to the gym, or prepare there food for the week, they usually answer with, “I just don’t have enough time!” Well I have found a way to better manage my time and that is by using a planner.

Yes this sounds old school, but they really have come a long way. The one I use is made by “Daily Greatness“. It immediately guides you through your 3 month - 5 year goals. From there it offers motivational pieces to read, and asks daily questions to have you generate the answers with your own inspiration. The calendar dates have to be filled in manually, meaning the planner never becomes dated. Like meal prepping on Sunday’s, this is when I would sit and look ahead at my week and start to fill into my planner. With many additional blank pages, I also use this to write in my daily gratitudes. 

When I first started using a planner I was always scared of writing in it...maybe because of my fear of commitment??? The more practice I had writing in it, the better I got and the anxiety “to run out of writing room “ was gone. I still sync my appointments on my IPhone, but having written them down solidifies in my subconscious as well... along will all of the other great notes, dreams, an inspirations I scratch down. 

Very miraculously, the more you invest in it, the faster and easier you will achieve your goals...whatever they may be. Next thing you realize is that yes, I do have time for better nutrition and to squeeze in some fitness ðŸ’ª and yes, an easy surplus of 60 hours to Reboot monthly! What do you use to plan your time? #lifehack

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