Friday, July 31, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #37 - 5 Things to Leave Off Your Sandwich or Salad:

Every now and then, when you are on the run, you will need to grab a sandwich or salad on the go.

Here are 5 ingredients to look out for and leave off your next order...

5 Things to Leave Off Your Sandwich or Salad:
1. Mayonnaise

There's a reason this is first on the list. It's because the mayo that comes on restaurant sandwiches is almost always of the full-fat variety... and almost never worth the extra calories and fat grams. We're talking nearly 100 calories and ten-plus fat grams in each little tablespoon! Instead, go for mustard and/or ketchup. And if hot sauce is available, shake it on. (Sorry, T. Swift.) For more topper options, click here for 15 condiments with 15 calories or less.

2.   Crispy (a.k.a. fried) Toppings

Restaurants love to pile on the crispy fried toppings. Wonton strips, tortilla chips, onion strings, crunchy noodles, fried jalapeƱo rings… These troublemakers can easily turn an ordinary sandwich or salad into a calorie fest. Don't worry: There are plenty of smart ways to get your crunch on. Opt for pickle chips, raw veggies (like onion and peppers), pickled jalapeƱos or banana peppers, or a small amount of sliced almonds.

3. Heavy Dressings... Including Vinaigrettes

 It's not just the obvious skips, people. We all suspect that bacon-ranch dressing is calorically disastrous... We figure the Caesar dressing is fat-tastic... But the standard vinaigrettes? Sad to say, those are generally a mess too. Especially considering the fact that the average restaurant salad comes with the equivalent of two to three servings of dressing... up to 600 calories! Old-school bottles of oil and vinegar are your best bet: Add a good splash of vinegar, a drizzle of oil, and some salt and pepper. Tomato-based picks, like BBQ sauce and salsa, are also solid options.

4. Cheese (Sometimes)

 This is one of those items that we need to include here... but we'll allow for exceptions. If your salad or sandwich is already pretty stripped down, and you could use some meat-free protein in there, cheese can be a good way to go. But be super conscious when cheese is just another calorie-packed layer on an already substantial meal. When it comes to salads, it’s all about the type of cheese. Some give you a lot of flavor for relatively low calorie counts. A sprinkle of shaved Parm or crumbled feta? Sure. A mound of shredded cheddar? Pass.

5. Fatty Meats

 Chicken breast, roasted turkey, and deli ham are all A-OK, but beef and other pork picks are generally on the fattier side. Ix-nay anything fried... even the lean stuff. Those fried-fish sandwiches are bad news! And heads up: Ground chicken and turkey burgers are often fattier than you might suspect; whole cuts of white meat are the way to go. And we love bacon too, but you're better off getting your fix DIY-style at home.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Zucchini Bread Breakfast Pizza

Zucchini Bread Breakfast Pizza

2 Tbsp. coconut flour
1/8 tsp. cinnamon
1 egg, beaten (or flax egg for a vegan option)
1/2 cup shredded zucchini
1/2 Tbsp. pure maple syrup or honey
1/8 tsp. pure vanilla extract
1/4 cup plain greek or coconut yogurt
fruit (I used sliced strawberries, grapes and bananas)
orange zest (optional)
drizzle of maple syrup (optional)


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Combine coconut flour and cinnamon in a bowl.

Add remaining ingredients (excluding toppings) and mix well to combine.

Spread mixture into a pizza crust on a cooking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Bake for 15 minutes, or until done. Let cool and spread on yogurt and top with fruit.


Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Shake What Group Forming now!

On a daily basis, I am asked: Shakeology?!? What is it? Why is it so great? You want me to spend WHAT? So WHAT is shakeology? Do you know? It is just another protein shake? Is it a meal replacement? Is it Gluten Free? Dairy Free? Vegan? Does it really TASTE that good?
Well we all know that I LOVE shakeology and that I honestly can't go a DAY without having it, if not 2!! Shakeology has seriously changed my life and helped me in so many ways!! My husband Rich, has even fallen in love with Shakeology!! I honestly can't say one bad thing about shakeology! And I love it soo much that I want to share it with you!!! So.....
I am running a FREE, no obligations, no commitment group to tell you ALL about shakeology. AND I will be doing a give away of FREE Shakeology packets at the end of the 5 days!
What do you have to lose? Its FREE. Join us for a fun way to learn more about shakeology and why I am so in love with this particular shake! And don't forget, you could WIN some packets too.
Email if you are interested in join this Email Shake What Group!
Not for Beachbody coaches or customers that already have a coach. Thank you! :)

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Jessica - PiYo

It's that day again! Transformation Tuesday!!! I don't share these pictures each day to boast about these ladies. . Some are still a work in progress. But aren't we all! We are always shooting higher, shooting for the next GOAL!  
I post these pictures each TUESDAY for YOU! WHY?!? Because I want YOU to know YOU can do it too! If I can do it, if these ladies can do it, so can YOU!!!

Most of these ladies just want to fit into her pre-pregnancy clothes again or feel confident and beautiful in their own skin. That's why I started! I just wanted to feel comfortable and confident in my clothes and my wedding dress.
Now I want to have this healthy lifestyle in place for when we start having kids. I'm just a hard worker determined to meet my goals.

 It's not easy, even though the pictures make it look like it- that.
Here is Jessica, she has made great gains or losses, and is still continuing to work to reach her BIG goal. Jessica is a mom and a hard worker. These pictures of her are from when she started to 50 days in to the PiYo program!!! She did 50 days of clean eating and doing PiYo AND most importantly she never gave up! Just think 50 days is not even 2 months!!! Just think of what YOU could look like in 2 months if you decided to start NOW!!!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Recap of Week 1 of Cize

OMG!! I am loving this program!! I am laughing, having fun, sweating, and living in the moment!!!

SO what is CIZE?

CIZE is being called “The End of Exercise” by Shaun T for one simple reason, it is not exercising! It is all about dancing! Do you love to dance? Have you ever tried Zumba? Picture Zumba but with modern dance, hip hop, and incredible dance tunes.

What comes with CIZE?

With CIZE you get the total workout + dance lessons kit all in one convenient challenge pack direct from Beachbody!
  • Workouts are all 30-40 minutes
  • Each workout is a new dance lesson. By the end of the workout, you’ve learned a new routine!
  • Workout Calendar Included
  • Bonus CIZE workout DVD for ordering through this site

I started week 2 of Cize today. Last weeks routines, were fun, and easy, which is coming from a girl who has 2 left feet and can't dance!

However, this week, Shaun T turned it up a notch. I struggled today, however, I STILL got an amazing workout and sweat going while trying to not trip over my feet. I was having fun and living in the moment!

If you like to dance, if you like ZUMBA, if you want a workout program that isn't hard or strenuous on your body, then CIZE is for you! It doesn't matter I you can dance or not. You just have to live in the moment and enjoy your time!

I am seriously loving this program no matter how goofy I look or how much I mess up!

You Should definitely check this program out! If your interested email me and we can set up a time to chat!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #36 Gluten Free Vs.Gluten

Many people choose gluten-free products because they think those items are healthy and good for weight loss… but that's not always the case! Gluten-free foods are not necessarily better for your diet than their gluten-containing counterparts (unless you’re sensitive to gluten, of course). Keep note I am sensitive to gluten. I have celiacs but Gluten Free does NOT mean healthy! Keep reading...

First, a little "gluten 101"… Gluten is the name for proteins found in grains like wheat, barley, and rye; it basically acts as a glue (hence its name) to hold food together. Most people can eat the protein without any problems, but about 1 percent of the population has celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder that makes it difficult to digest gluten. Others just find that they feel better when they avoid gluten.

Don't confuse gluten-free with carb-free. Some people mistakenly turn to gluten-free foods as a way to cut carbs, but here's the deal: When gluten is left out of a food product, it's often replaced with another starch. For example, wheat flour might be replaced with a gluten-free starch like rice or potato. And the same goes for your personal habits: If you rule out bread and pasta, you may reach for other starches that are just as high in carbs.

Just because a food is gluten-free, that doesn't mean it's healthy or diet friendly. Gluten-free desserts, restaurant entrƩes, etc., can be loaded with calories, fat, sugar... even sketchy ingredients. Remember, these products are developed as solutions for people who can't digest gluten... not as weight-loss aids.

Bottom line? Gluten-free foods often have just as many carbs and calories as their gluten-containing counterparts. You have to read those nutrition panels and check those calorie counts.

But that doesn't mean there aren't some fantastic gluten-free finds out there!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Best Ever Banana Bread {Gluten-Free & Vegan}

The Best Ever Banana Bread {Gluten-Free & Vegan}


3/4 cup brown rice flour
1/2 cup + 2 T gluten-free oat flour (ground rolled oats)
3/4 cup potato starch
1/4 cup tapioca starch
1 tsp xanthan gum
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder

1/2 cup applesauce, warmed up and then mixed with ½ tsp baking powder
1/4 cup coconut oil, melted
1/2 cup maple syrup
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
4 ripe bananas
1 tsp vanilla extract
Optional: 1 cup chocolate chips or nuts (or a combination)


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Spray a 9 x 5 inch loaf pan with coconut oil (bread is big so don't use a smaller sized pan)

Combine all dry ingredients and set aside.

In a separate bowl mash up bananas.

Add in warm applesauce (premixed with baking powder), melted coconut oil, maple syrup, almond milk and vanilla and stir to combine.

Add wet ingredients to dry and stir until just combined.

Add in chocolate chips or nuts if desired.

Scoop batter into pan and bake for 55-60 mins.

Remove from oven and let cool for at least 30 mins before removing from pan and placing on a wire rack to cool completely.

Will keep in a sealed container on counter for up to 5 days.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Coach Open House

Summit 2015 TOPPED 2014 by a land slide!

 Summit 2014 I....
✅ Went alone
✅ had no coaches there
✅ was only an emerald
✅ made MAYBE $70 a week

 Summit 2015 I....
✅ went with Rich
✅ had 4 of my PS coaches there
✅ was recognized as a 3 Star Diamond
✅ made 9X the amount I was making last year

 The money and the recognition are nice. But what meant the most to me is that I had 4 of my amazing coaches by my side all week long learning, sharing, and bouncing ideas back and forth with each other.

 Summit this year made me realize.....
How lucky I am to have this AMAZING opportunity in my life.
To reinsure me that what I am doing is making a difference! I am not just making money. I am HELPING others change their lives. I am even helping others SAVE their lives and get healthy, fit, and off Medication!!!

 My team is incredible and in the top 200 out of 300,000+ Beachbody Coaches
The only regret I have is not getting started sooner. I wish I knew about Beachbody and this AMAZING opportunity sooner and had the chance to ask coaches questions about it.
SO...if you want to know what coaching is all about, what I do everyday, who makes a good coach, how you can earn money and trips, and how you can join #TeamFearlessDreamers next year in Nashville. Then you OWE yourself the chance to check it out. No pressure, no obligation, no commitment. Just a 5 Day open house group to get the answers to all the questions you have about coaching!

Email me today to start receiving a 5 Day OPEN House email giving you the inside scoop to coaching! Don't wait any longer!! Check it out and see if this opportunity is for you!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Karie D - Arms

Transformation's not all about bikini bodies and tight abs. With Karie its about the arms!!! She always, always hated her arms. BUT, now, since her transformation, if you ask what her favorite body part is or what she thinks has changed the most, ARMS, would be her answer, in a split second. Arms! Not stomach, not butt, not boobs, not things, ARMS!! Yes, she is very proud of them!!  And here you can see why! Just looking at these two photos, makes you say, dang, those arms have come a long way girl!!!!
Remember its your body! You get to change it how you want! If your goal is to just get healthy and fit, and you don't care about abs or butt, then that is AWESOME!!! You don't need to be skinny to be healthy!!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Cize - The End to Exercise!

Hey hey hey!!! It's Monday and the NEW Shaun T workout program is being RELEASED today!! Cize!!! Today was day 1 for me and I am in love with it so far. This past week at summit, I actually got certified in Cize to teach it! So I can't wait to start teaching it in August!!

I wrote this CIZE Workout Review just for you so you’d know all the details before you decide to get a copy, and also so you can join our Challenge Group and get support from real people, online, every single day!

What is CIZE?

CIZE is being called “The End of Exercise” by Shaun T for one simple reason, it is not exercising! It is all about dancing! Do you love to dance? Have you ever tried Zumba? Picture Zumba but with modern dance, hip hop, and incredible dance tunes.

What comes with CIZE?

With CIZE you get the total workout + dance lessons kit all in one convenient challenge pack direct from Beachbody!
  • Workouts are all 30-40 minutes
  • Each workout is a new dance lesson. By the end of the workout, you’ve learned a new routine!
  • Workout Calendar Included
  • Bonus CIZE workout DVD for ordering through this site
Here is a preview of CIZE so you can see it before it comes out, and decide if it’s something you like!

Should I Buy CIZE? Is it for me?

Beachbody has so many different workout programs, that it can be hard to decide. So let me ask you a few questions:
  1. Do you like having fun when you workout?
  2. Do you like to dance?
  3. Have you ever wanted to learn to dance?
  4. Do you want fast total body results?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then CIZE is the workout for you.

How Do I Join Your CIZE Test Group? I Want Support!

When you order through this site, you will be added into our CIZE PRIVATE VIP SUPPORT GROUP! If you want to be the first to get CIZE, make sure you enter your name and email address below!

Friday, July 17, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #35 - Excuse - I've tried that already

Exercise Excuse No. 6: 'I've Tried Before.'

What did you try before? Why didn't it work? Did you stick with it? Did you have help? Did you have accountability? Did you set goals for yourself? Did you keep track weekly? Did you eat right?
Set THEM!! Set goals that are small and realistic. Don't set goals that are huge and going to take a long time to reach. Have a long term goal but break it down, into smaller goals. Why? Because you're more likely to feel like a success, not a failure, when you reach those small goals.

Also keep a log and post it somewhere public -- even on Facebook. Make a "wall of encouragement." Why? So Friends and family can then say, "Hey, you did 15 minutes yesterday. Great job," or they can motivate you when you are down and looking for an excuse to fall off track. The log will also help you to see if and when you're falling off the wagon (or the track).

Having an exercise buddy or a support group keeps you accountable as well. You may be more likely to show up for your workout if you know someone is expecting you to be there, or a group is counting on your posts!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

New Recipe - Spaghetti Squash Noodle Bowl

I love Spaghetti Squash but usually when I make it, I either make it like spaghetti with sauce or I make it Mexican style. However, this recipe is amazing and is going to be my new go to way of making spaghetti squash when I do!

Spaghetti Squash Noodle bowl + lime peanut sauce recipe

 serves: 4

Notes: Definitely use the sharpest knife you’ve got for the spaghetti squash. You don’t want to be pulling a stubborn knife out of a half-cut squash, commanding someone nearby to dial 9 11 in standby emergency preparation

 1 large spaghetti squash, cut in half lengthwise + seeds scooped out
4-5 kale stalks, stems removed
1 shallot, peeled
1/2 cup chopped toasted nuts of your preference (I used cashews)
3 tbsp sunflower seeds (toasted, raw, whatever)
chopped leafy herb if you feel it (cilantro, mint, thai basil etc)
1 bunch of broccoli, cut into florets

 Lime peanut sauce ingredients:

 1/2 inch fresh ginger, peeled + rough chopped
2 cloves of garlic, peeled + rough chopped
1-2 tsp Cholula (or other hot sauce you like)
2 tbsp peanut butter (or tahini, sunflower seed butter, almond butter etc)
1 lime, peeled + chopped
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
2 tsp agave (or honey etc)
little scoop of extra virgin coconut oil (optional, but I love the coconut fragrance here)
tiny splash of olive oil


Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.

Line a baking sheet with parchment and place the squash halves, cut side down, onto the sheet. Bake for about an hour or until the flesh pulls away in easy strands.

While the squash is baking, slice the kale leaves into 1/3 inch-ish ribbons and place in a large bowl. Cut the shallot in half lengthwise, slice the halves into thin half-moons and set aside. Chop up the herbs and toasted nuts as well, set them aside with the shallows.

Once you’ve cut the broccoli, set a medium saucepan with about an inch of water over medium heat. Bring it to a simmer. Place the broccoli florets into a steamer basket and set aside until right before service.

Place all of the sauce ingredients in a blender and bend until fully incorporated. Taste for seasoning and set aside.

When squash is cool enough to handle, place the steamer basket of broccoli into the pot with the simmering water. Put a lid on it and allow broccoli to steam for 3-4 minutes, or desired doneness. While broccoli is steaming, scrape the spaghetti strands out with a fork into the large bowl with the sliced kale. The heat from the squash should wilt the kale slightly. Pour a big splash of the dressing into the bowl, season with salt and pepper and lightly toss the squash and kale.

Remove broccoli from the heat. Portion the squash and kale into 4 bowls. Top each bowl with the steamed broccoli, sliced shallots, chopped nuts, sunflower seeds, chopped herbs and extra sauce.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Motivation Wednesdy - Life isn't meant to be perfect

Life isn't perfect!

Life is hard. Marriage is hard. Being an adult is HARD!

I grew up being having to act perfect no matter what was wrong. Fake it. But sometimes you just can't fake it. You just can't act perfect all the time. It's not real life!!

Real life is.....That I am NOT perfect. I stress, I get down on myself, I over eat. My marriage is not perfect. We fight, we struggle. But that is part of life. That is what makes us grow stronger, stand taller, and learn for the next time.

Guess what?!? You don't have to be perfect! Yes, we grew up in a society that makes us think perfection is key and that you are only accepted if you are perfect! Well that's a load of crap!

I might not always post about my struggles, my ups, my downs, my fights, but know this, I go through them too. When this happens in my life, I close down, I close up, and I become quit. I am far from perfect and struggle with life like you.

So remember when you are struggling, when you are going through a hard time, know that you are not alone. Know that there are others out there that have the same struggles! And know that no matter what YOU are unique! You are worth it!

Don't give up. And don't get down when you mess up or are stressed to the max. Life is hard. No one is perfect. Your life is your journey so make the best of it!

And always take the lemons that life throws your way and make margaritas with them!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Carlee

Meet Carlee! She is another amazing Beachbody Coach with an inspiring Story!!

Carlee has had some health issues (not really sure what's going on) lately that have thrown her off of her game and she is not happy with where she is at now! She feels ashamed!

But look where she started and look where she is at now. Not only is she no longer there but she is not the same person! And she will never be that same person ever again!!

The picture on the left is THAT picture you look back on and hate more than any other. This was her sons first Thanksgiving and she wishes she could look back on this picture and love it and remember that amazing day. However, now when she looks at it, she cringes.

She may not be making the best choices right now or working out as consistently as she should but the lessons she has learned over this journey have changed even her bad days!!! She has learned to be more conscious over all her choices.
I share this transformation with you because I want you to know that WE are all HUMAN! We are not perfect, even Beachbody coaches have their times where they fall off track. This journey is a tha, a journey! It isn't easy but it is worth it. Because once you get on the journey and see the progress you never thought you could make, you continue on it, you keep going when you fall off, you get back on when you fall down, and you keep trucking forward!!

Remember most roads are not straight. They have their ups and downs, just like you will have in your journey! BUT remember progress is made and will continue to be made as long as you keep going and you never turn back and head in the wrong direction!  It's a marathon not a sprint!!!!

Take this journey! Decide that you are ready to commit! You can do it. You don't have to be perfect! You just have to learn and keep going no matter what!!


Monday, July 13, 2015

Are you tired of feeling….

Tired all the time?



Have no Energy?

Did Vacation and summer get the best of you?


Don’t worry! There is still time this summer to get back to where you started! Get rid of the bloat, low energy, and tired feeling!


How? Let me help you!

In just 21 Days you will feel lighter, have more energy, be happier, and back on track with your eating!


Join my next Fitness Group starting July 27th where you will receive one on one support from me, support from others starting out like you, a month supply of shakeology, portion control containers, AND if you join before July 20th then you will get the BRAND NEW FIXATE cookbook FREE!!
Interested? Lets talk! Fill out this form and I will be in touch!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #34 - Excuse - I just don't like it!!

Exercise Excuse No. 5: 'I Just Don't Like to Move.'

Say what?!? You don't like it? You don't like to move?!?
Guess what?!? You aren't alone!! There are many people out there that don't like to move or workout.
So how do you fix it?
First, figure out why. Why don't you like to move? What kinds of movement do you like?
Is it that you don't like getting sweaty? Well there is a solution to that - You can work out indoors where it's air conditioned. You can also swim so you won't notice any perspiration. Or try a low-sweat activity, like yoga or Pilates.

Is it hard on your joints? Head for the pool. Exercising in water is easier on your joints.The stronger your muscles get, the more they can support your joints and the less you'll hurt. If your physical limitations are more serious, check with your doctor, or find an athletic trainer who can help you figure out exercises that are still safe and easy to do. Yoga and Pilates are good for your joints too. They will help you stretch them and work on your flexibility at the same time and is not hard on your joints!

If you’re self-conscious about your weight, you could start by walking with friends, working out in the privacy of your home, or exercising with a trainer who's supportive. Wear clothes that feel comfortable. Be you and only worry about your journey, no one else's.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

New RECIPE!! - Spicy Grilled Chicken

This recipe is amazing! Especially if you are someone, like me, that LOVES spicy things. Oh and itt goes great with a serving of quinoa and mixed veggies!!

I am not a meat eater. I don't know how many times I tell you that, but I am not. So I have to find ways to spice up my meat so I can joke it down. And let me tell you, this recipe is truly delicious!!

 Grilled spicy Chicken

Serves: 3 chicken breasts


3 chicken breasts
1 teaspoon of garlic powder
1 teaspoon of ground cumin
½ teaspoon of ground coriander
½ teaspoon of smoked paprika
½ teaspoon of sea salt
¼ teaspoon of ground black pepper
2 tablespoon of olive oil


Preheat grill to medium high heat.
In a small bowl, mix garlic powder, cumin, coriander, smoked paprika, sea salt, pepper, and olive oil. Mix until combined.

Rub mixture over both sides of the chicken.

Place chicken on grill and grill each side for 5-10 minutes depending on thickness and how you like it. I grill mine longer because I like my chicken burnt! haha . You just want to make sure there is no pink in the middle.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Motivation Wednesday

The only person you need to be better than is the person you were yesterday.

Quit comparing yourself to others!! When you compare your chapter 5 to someone else's chapter 30 you end up getting discouraged and quit! Don't! But your blinders up!

It's hard to not compare yourself to others but don't! It's a waste of time! Everyone starts somewhere different. You can't compare your beginning to someone else's middle.

Your journey is your journey. Your life is your life. Your choices are your choices! No one else's! Worry about you!

If you need to compare yourself to any one, compare yourself to who you were yesterday, last week, last month, last year!! The only thing you need to worry about is if you are growing, getting better, and are different from then. If you aren't, then change! If you are then keep going!!

Don't give up because someone lost more weight than you, or someone rank advanced faster than you, or someone ate better than you! Keep going and keep your eye on you and your journey!

Today, vow to but your blinders up! Don't let anyone else's journey stop you from yours!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Abby Marie

Meet Abby Marie!! She is a Beachbody coach and started like most coaches on a journey to get healthy and fit.

Everyday when she looks at this photo it is like a dream that just doesn't seem real to her! It is so surreal when she see pics of her old self!!

On the left was 21 days into her journey with insanity! She turned to insanity as a crutch just to loose some weight so she could show her face back in the gym with out being ashamed! Little did she know that in only 60 short days how much her life was going to change forever! She didn't know anything about Beachbody or coaching. Just a little flier inside her insanity that said go here get a FREE coach! So she did, hey it was free, why not! Right?!? She had no intentions of continuing a at home workout program or lifestyle. She was a gym rat after all. And honestly she really never thought that results were possible with home workouts. And she certainly did not ever expect that she got! 

1 year after starting insanity and this journey she decided to become a certified insanity instructor! Yep she is insane! But she loved insanity and what it did for her and the path it got her started down!

On the right is her now. She is an insanity instructor and a Team Beachbody Coach. She is also 50lbs lighter, smaller than she ever have has been, stronger than she has ever have been, and more confident then she has ever had before. The courage and strength, perseverance she has gained through all this is price less.

She never would have  thought she would ever be an Insanity Instructor. She never in her life imagined herself capable of teaching a fitness class to others! Or changing lives through fitness and support. If someone had told her 2 years ago you are going to be an insanity instructor she would have probably died of a heart attack from laughing! She would have thought you were the most insane person ever!!

Now she can not thank Carl Daikeler and Beachbody enough for changing her life in ways she never would have thought possible!

Monday, July 6, 2015

How to Get Back on Trak after the Holiday Weekend!

How to get back on track:
7 Strategies to Help You Bounce Back After Slipping Up

1. Schedule your habits into your life.

Give your habits a specific space in your life. There are two main options for making this happen…
Option 1: Put it on your calendar. or Option 2: Tie it to your current behavior.

2. Stick to your schedule, even in small ways.

It’s not the individual impact of missing your schedule that’s a big deal. It’s the cumulative impact of never getting back on track. If you miss one workout, you don’t suddenly feel more out of shape than you were before. Find a way to stick to the schedule, no matter how small it is.

3. Have someone who expects something of you.

I’ve been on many teams throughout my athletic career and you know what happens when you have friends, teammates, and coaches expecting you to be at practice? You show up.
The good news is that you don’t have to be on a team to make this work. Talk to strangers and make friends in the gym or join an online fitness group where people are expecting you to post about your workout. Simply knowing that a familiar face expects to see you can be enough to get you to show up.

4. Focus on what you can work with.

We waste so much time focusing on what is withheld from us.

This is especially true after we slip up and get off track from our goals. Anytime we don’t do the things we want to do — start a business, eat healthy, go to the gym — we come up with excuses…
“I don’t have enough money. I don’t have enough time. I don’t have the right contacts. I don’t have enough experience. I need to learn more. I’m not sure what to do. I feel uncomfortable and stupid.”'

Here’s what I want you to think instead:
“I can work with this.”

Because you can. The truth is that most of us start in the same place — no money, no resources, no contacts, no experience — but some people (the winners) choose to get started anyway.
It’s not easy, but I promise you that your life will be better if you choose to feel uncomfortable and make progress, rather than complain and make excuses. Shift your focus from what is withheld from you to what is available to you.

It’s rare that your circumstances prevent you from making any progress. You might not like where you have to start. Your progress might be slow and unsexy. But you can work with this.

5. Just because it’s not optimal, doesn’t mean it’s not beneficial.

It’s so easy to get hung up on doing things the optimal way and end up preventing yourself from doing them at all.
Here’s an example…
“I really want to eat Paleo, but I go to Chipotle every Friday with my friends and I like to get sour cream and cheese on my burrito and I know that’s not Paleo. Plus, I have a book club meeting every Tuesday and we always have ice cream and I don’t want to be the only one not joining the group. Maybe I should try something else?”

Seriously? Is eating clean five days per week better than not eating clean at all?
Yes, I believe it is.

In fact, eating healthy one day per week is better than none at all. Make that your goal to start: eat clean every Monday.

Just because you can’t stick to the optimal schedule, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stick to it at all. Good habits are built gradually. Start slow, live your life, and get better along the way. Progress is a spectrum, not a specific place.

Furthermore, if you haven’t mastered the basics, then why make things harder for yourself by fretting about the details?

The optimal strategies will make the last 10% of difference. Meanwhile, 90% of your results will hinge on you simply sticking to the basics: don’t miss workouts, eat real food, do the most important thing first each day. Master the fundamentals now. You can optimize the details later.

6. Design your environment for success.

If you think that you need more motivation or more willpower to stick to your goals, then I have good news. You don’t.

Motivation is a fickle beast. Some days you feel inspired. Some days you don’t. If you want consistent change the last thing you want to rely on is something inconsistent.

7. Care.

It sounds so simple, but make sure that the habits that you’re trying to stick to are actually important to you.

Sometimes forgetting your habit is a sign that it’s not that important to you. Most of the time this isn’t true, but it happens often enough that I want to mention it.

It’s remarkable how much time people spend chasing things that they don’t really care about. Then, when they don’t achieve them, they beat themselves up and feel like a failure for not achieving something that wasn’t important to them all along.

You only have so much energy to put towards the next 24 hours. Pick a habit that you care about. If it really matters to you, then you’ll find a way to make it work.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #33 - Excuse - Exercise is boring!

Exercise Excuse No. 4: 'Exercise Is Boring.'

UM YES it is, BUT only if you are doing something that doesn't interest you! Yes going to the gym can be VERY boring every day, especially if the only thing you are doing is the cardio machines. What do you love to do? If you like to dance, take a dancing class, do Zumba, or check out Shaun T's latest in home workout program, Cize. (Release this July) If you like to ride bike, then get outside, find some trails and get riding and if the weather is bad, find a cycling class to take that day!
Try inline skating, dancing, or gardening. Join a sports league. Or go dancing. There's an exercise for everyone. . It doesn't have to be unpleasant and / or boring!!!

If it makes exercise more enjoyable for you, it's OK to watch TV or read while you're on the exercise bike or treadmill, as long as your workout is still challenging.

Get some friends to go with you, or join a group. And every once in a while, try something totally new. Mix it up so you don't get bored.
Whatever you do, don't let boring be an excuse. Get out there and try new things. Find that activity you fall in love with or multiple activities that you enjoy so you are always keeping it spicy!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Tomato Avocado Cucumber Chick Pea Salad with Feta and Greek Lemon Dressing

I don't know about you but this salad has everything in it that I LOVE!!! It is amazing and you can make it fixed approve. Also my hubby loved it too!!

Tomato Avocado Cucumber Chick Pea Salad with Feta and Greek Lemon Dressing

About 8 servings


2 (10.5 oz) containers red cherry tomatoes
1 (10.5 oz) container yellow cherry tomatoes
1 (14.5 oz) can chick peas, drained and rinsed
1 1/2 cucumbers, peeled and sliced into quarters
2 Hass avocados, peeled, cored and diced (ripe but semi-firm)
1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
3 oz feta cheese, crumbled


1/2 cup olive oil
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
1 tsp dijon mustard
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 Tbsp chopped fresh basil
3/4 tsp dried oregano


In a salad bowl toss together tomatoes, chick peas and cucumbers. Add avocado and parsley and gently toss. Add desire amount of dressing and the feta and gently toss to evenly coat. Serve within an hour for best results.

 For the dressing:

In a blender (or mixing bowl with a whisk), blend olive oil, lemon juice, mustard, garlic and salt until mixture is well emulsified. Stir in basil and oregano.

NOTE: With the Chick peas I sometimes roast them. It all depends on time. But I love my chick peas roasted so I try to do that as much as possible.

To make it Fixed Approve Make individual Servings:

1 Green Container of red and yellow cherry tomatoes
1 yellow container of chick peas, drained and rinsed
1/2 Green Container of cucumbers, peeled and sliced into quarters
1/8 of an avocado, peeled, cored and diced (ripe but semi-firm)
1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley (Free FOOD on the fix)
1/8 of a blue container of feta cheese, crumbled

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Motivation Wednesday!

The only way to do great work is to love what you do!

Do you love what you do? Are you passionate about it? Are you passionate about everything you do daily?

Passion is what will make you keep going or stop you dead in your tracks! If you aren't passionate about your job then you won't put 100% effort into it. If you aren't passionate about working out, eating clean to get healthy and fit, then you won't stick to it.

Don't get me wrong passion alone won't be enough for all your dreams to be achieved. But if you don't have it you will run out steam before you reach your dream.

So what does passion do for someone?

Passion drives you forward in life. Passion is what makes you jump out of bed in the morning rearing to go. Passion is what keeps you going during the tough times. Passion pulls you up! It pushes you outside of your comfort zone! It makes you do things that you normally wouldn't do.

So question for you?

Do you have passion? Are you passionate about your life? Your job? If not. Find what you are passionate about and start doing it! Life is too short to live weekend to weekend and hope for retirement sooner than later.