Monday, August 31, 2015

New Journey Starts Today

Its Monday! Its a brand new week and great day to start a NEW program. I have done a lot of Beachbody Programs and since finishing the Ultimate Reset I have been debating on what to do, so I was just doing PiYo for a week since that is the program my husband is doing during the Football Season.

Well this weekend after long debate, I chose to start P90X!! Yes that is right I am taking on Tony Horton's first program and the one that I have seen so many people get amazing results from AND hear that they LOVE it!

So what is P90X?
P90X’s core training technique relies on “muscle confusion,”.

 Muscle confusion is a variety of exercises. Typically a lot of programs focus purely on stationary yoga, Pilates, weight training or cardiovascular — P90X has all those things. The main purpose is to avoid the three things that cause most people to stop exercising: boredom, injuries and plateaus. In P90X, there’s variety in fitness with muscle confusion, and the goal is for people to get through the whole 90 days so they have real success and real results.

Who gets the most out of P90X?

 When P90X was created, it was made for two categories of people. This program was  geared towards people who weren’t getting results at the Gym. However, this program has turned into a workout for ANYONE, including the Military and A LOT of clinically obese have and still use this program. One of the reasons this works is that there are dozens of modifications other programs don’t have.

What can users expect during the 90-day regimen?

 It’s broken up into cycles. Each month there is a different sequence of exercises [each laid out in the DVDs]. The first three weeks you do the basic exercises, and then you have one recovery week. The second month you get a whole new bunch of routines done in different sequences and the recovery week again. Remember recovery doesn’t mean you don’t do anything; recovery means you are still working hard. [That is, you’re still working out, but not quite as rigorously as during the first three weeks of the month.] In the final month, you do a combination of what you did in the first and second month, which is an extension of muscle confusion.

What equipment is needed besides the DVDs?

 In a majority of the exercises the only thing required is the human body, Mother Earth and Sir Isaac Newton’s law of gravity. But having a pull-up bar helps. You don’t need it, but it certainly enhances the program, as well as dumbbells and bands. Some people just use resistance bands, but some men who want more size will go out and get dumbbells.

What if I don’t want bulging muscles like the buff people?

 There are three ways you can go through the program. There’s the classic version, which is the basic way we designed it. But we also created a lean version, which focuses more on flexibility, range of motion and cardiovascular fitness. There’s another version for athletes called doubles, which they’re doing twice a day. … You can customize the 90 days based on what you need. I am doing the LEAN version.

How important is diet when you’re on the P90X system?

DIET is crucial! We all know that. You CAN'T outwork a bad diet. So yes, It’s about the food as well. Often the reason so many people in this country struggle is because they are putting the wrong things in their mouths. There’s too much fat, sugar, salt and chemicals coming out of plastic bags and cans. Eat [foods] that when you look down at your plate, you can pronounce them. I am going Vegetarian / Vegan after the Ultimate Reset which means a PLANT Based diet.

Is P90X doable with an already packed schedule?

 It’s an hour a day. A lot of people would say no. … BUT people find time to fit it in because they see that it works.

A lot of people have friends and family and coworkers and neighbors that look different, that act different, that feel different, that have more energy, that sleep better, that are off their meds because of P90X AND shakeology. I bet you know someone your life that has done P90X and they rave about it and the results they got from it.  

So I am taking the journey! I am going to find out what the Rave is all about! And today was day 1. I did Core Synergistics and let me tell you, I am SORE!!! It was  a great workout that was NOT high impact, but it was HIGH intensity! You do the moves slow but concentrated and precisely. The workout was an hour long which I hated but I have the time and I want to check this program off my bucket list! ;)


Friday, August 28, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #41 - How to Aovid Movie Theatre Temptations

I don't know about you but I like to go to the movies in the fall / winter when I have time and its not nice out! In the summer, its just too nice out and the nights are longer to go sit in a movie theatre. However, fall and especially winter are great times to go because you DON'T want to be outside IF you live in the North where it snows a lot.

However, you CAN'T go to the movie theatre without at least being TEMPTED by the smell of the buttery popcorn!! And you just can't watch a movie without munching and slurping on something!! Right?!?

Sadly, many of the concessions sold at movie theaters are nutrition bombs that can seriously derail your weight management plan. Besides the fact that almost all the foods and beverages offered are calorie-rich and nutrient-poor, portions are gargantuan. For example, a large popcorn can contain over 1200 calories and over a day's worth of saturated fat! YIKES!!!

The smallest soda is 32 fluid ounces, the equivalent of 4 cups. It has 26 teaspoons of sugar! That's as much sugar as in 4 Snickers bars! It's the same as filling half a cup with granulated sugar, adding water and drinking it!

Watching the movie with food in your hands and nowhere to go, you are assured to finish off whatever you bought, to the detriment of your waistline.

Here are some strategies to fight back:
  1. If you're doing dinner and a movie, eat first. In fact, always come to the movies after eating. It will substantially decrease your temptation to buy anything besides tickets.
  2. BYO (bring your own) snacks. If the theater won't serve sliced fruit, nuts, or trail mix, why not bring your own? Note that some theaters do not allow you to bring your own food. It's relatively easy to sneak things in, but there are ethical and moral ramifications here. Movie theaters rarely make money from selling tickets. It's the ads and the concessions that keep them in business.
  3. Chew gum. A cheap and compact solution to keep your mouth busy for just 5 calories.
  4. Opt for the least unhealthy snacks. Most movie theaters today offer bottled water and some variation of a granola bar. There are some juice options too.
  5. If despite all the above you still intend to purchase the classic cola-popcorn combo, choose the smallest portion available.
  6. If you are just doing a movie and not dinner, then have a Shakeology Shake before you go! This will hold you over, help you fight temptation, and give you the energy to stay awake and watch the entire movie!
 Moral of the Story....      
Movie theaters can seriously harm your diet. Prepare in advance to avoid real-time temptations and next day regrets.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

NEW Recipe - Sweet Potato and Black Bean Quinoa Bowl

Sweet Potato and Black Bean Quinoa Bowls

2-3 servings

A delicious, filling, meatless meal that will please both vegetarians and meat lovers!


Roasted Sweet Potato:
1 large sweet potato, peel and diced
1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
1/2 teaspoon chili powder
1/4 teaspoon cumin
1/4 teaspoon pink Himalayan salt

3/4 cup red quinoa
1 3/4 cups water
1/2 teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt, divided
1/2 teaspoon chili powder
1/2 teaspoon cumin
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
Juice of half a lime
2 tablespoon cilantro, chopped

Cilantro Cream Drizzle:
1/4 cup plain non fat Greek yogurt
1/4 cup cilantro, chopped
1/4 teaspoon agave nectar or honey
Juice of half a lime
Pinch of salt, garlic powder, and chili powder

Other Ingredients:
1 cup black beans, rinsed and drained
Cilantro for garnishing


Roasted Sweet Potato:

Preheat oven to 425 degrees then line a baking sheet with foil and spray it with cooking spray.

Toss the diced sweet potato in the olive oil and spices and lay it out in an even layer on the prepared baking sheet.

Roast the sweet potato for 12-15 minutes or until it is fork tender.

Rinse and drain the red quinoa then put it in a medium sized sauce pan with the water and 1/4 teaspoon of kosher salt.

Bring the quinoa to a boil, then cover it with a lid and lower the heat to medium low.

Cook the quinoa for about 15 minutes, until all of the liquid is absorbed.

Remove from the heat and season the quinoa with the remaining 1/4 teaspoon of kosher salt, chili powder, cumin, garlic powder, lime juice, and cilantro.

Cilantro Cream Drizzle:

In a blender add all of the ingredients and blend until smooth.

Assembling the Bowls:
In 2 or 3 serving bowls divide the quinoa mixture.

Top the quinoa with the black beans and roasted sweet potato.

Drizzle the cilantro cream on top with a spoon.

Top with more cilantro if desired.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Fall Refresh Group - Now Open for Enrollment


Did Summer Get the best of you? Did you have too much fun on Vacation? Did you visit too many county fairs? Did you go to too many picnics? Are you ready to get back on track and feeling fresh again? Wanna lose 3-10 pounds in JUST 3 days?

Join me in my all NEW 10 Fall Refresh group, starting on September 7th! This group is all about getting back on track with clean eating and losing that summer weight and bloated feeling with the 3 day refresh. You will get support and accountability from me, as your coach. Along with 7 Days of NEW clean eating, fun fall recipes that even your kids will be begging for! Oh and you will get a grocery list to go along with them so you don't have to sit down and figure it all out! The guess work is taken out for you.
Interested? Ready to lose the bloat? Want to feel refresh? Fill out this form and lets get you started to a fresher you!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Rich and I's Ultimate Reset Results

OMG GUYSS!!!! The results from the Ultimate Reset are in!!! And I honestly can't believe them!!!

Rich LOST 15 pounds in 3 weeks!!!

I LOST 13 Pounds in 3 weeks!!!

Rich started out at 185 and is now down to 170!!!

I started out at 130 and am now down to 117!!!

These results came from EATING too!! The calorie range was 1200-1400 on weeks 2 and 3 and 1400-1600 on week 1. I was still eating the amount of calories I normally do, rich was at a deficiency from his normal 1800+ calories. But honestly we were still eating and EATING a lot of food!! The portions in my opinion were HUGE!!!

Week one you could still have meets and dairy. Week 2 you could still have grains and legumes. and Week 3 you only ate Fruits and Veggies.

We FEEL amazing and are excited to continue on this life style!!! We are going to become vegetarians / vegans that only eat a piece of meet on occasions or for "treat meals". This is all new territory for us. But I am excited!!!

Why? Because we feel TOO good to stop! We feel amazing, full of energy, POSTIVE, healthy, light, and fit!!

Who doesn't want to feel this good?!?

Here are our before and afters....

Are you interested in the Ultimate Reset? Would you like to talk more about how we did it through Football Camp, Parties, and the Great Grange Fair? Email me at or find me on Facebook and lets talk!!

Monday, August 24, 2015

The Ultimate Reset - My Journey

My Ultimate Reset Journey

For the past 3 weeks I have been doing the Ultimate Reset. And today marks the LAST day of the 21 day program.

Doing the Ultimate Reset has totally changed my life and my husbands. I hear people talking about 'eating clean' all the time, and to be honest before I did the Reset I thought I was eating pretty well. WRONG! This is my first time ever doing a cleanse/detox and I wish I had done one earlier in my life. Not as much for the results, but for the knowledge I gained about eating clean.

The Ultimate Reset is different than many traditional cleanses in that you don't starve yourself and drink some crazy concoction for 3-10 days. You actually EAT a LOT on this cleanse and you don't drink any kind of crazy weird drinks. 

So what Is The Ultimate Reset?

The Ultimate Reset is 21 days of re-setting your body back to “factory settings”. You will be removing harmful toxins, losing weight safely, increasing your energy, lowering “bad” cholesterol, boosting your mood and mental clarity, reducing inflammation, and improving regularity. You do this by following a plan that is provided that includes what to eat when and what supplements to take when. The 21 days  are divided into 3 phases, 7 days each. The first phase of the Ultimate Reset is called the Reclaim phase which is meant to balance your body chemistry by the foods that are eaten and the supplements that are taken. The second phase is called the Release phase and is meant to reverse the effects of poor eating habits, unhealthy foods, and environmental toxins. The third and last phase is called the Restore phase where you will experience a profound positive change in your mood and energy level. The Reset comes with a menu and complete guide to walk you through the 21 days.

What Does The Ultimate Reset Include?

In the Ultimate Reset package you get a quick start guide, a program and nutrition guide, 2 discs about re-setting your health and a cooking class, all six supplements, a bracelet, and a carrying case.

Quick Start Guide: This is sort of like a check list of how to begin. It also includes the plan for each week for when to eat and take your supplements.

Program & Nutrition Guide: This has everything you need to know about the program in it: what’s in the box, what to expect during the Ultimate Reset, how to go the extra mile, some questions to fill out before you start and again after you are done, your 3 week menu, snack ideas, the recipes for every meal on the menu, an ingredient list, FAQ’s, and finally how to transition after you are done with the Ultimate Reset.

2 Discs: Disc 1-How to reset your health in 21 days. Disc 2-The Beachbody Ultimate Reset Cooking Class.

The 6 Supplements: (no untested or made up in the lab chemicals here!)
Alkalinize-Helps maintain alkalinity.
Revitalize-Helps revitalize flora in the digestive tract.
Detox-Helps remove toxins and waste in the colon.
Mineralize-Adds natural minerals needed by the body.
Optimize-Promotes healthy metabolism and effective body functions.
Soothe-Helps enhance digestive health and reduce inflammation.

Bracelet: To remind you of the commitment you have made to yourself and your health.

Carrying Case: To put your supplements in when you have to travel, go to work, or go anywhere during times that you will need to take them.

Do You Eat REAL Food While Doing The Ultimate Reset?

If you consider a variety of fruits, a variety of vegetables, beans, lentils, quinoa, brown rice, salmon, eggs, whole grain toast, oatmeal, farina, potatoes, nuts, seeds, and even more REAL food, then YES, you do eat REAL food. And you eat a LOT of it! You shouldn’t starve to death on this plan that’s for sure. That is one of the BIGGEST reasons I decided to give the Ultimate Reset a try. I still wanted to be able to eat and feel full after a meal and to feel GOOD after eating and not crappy. I was a little worried at first when I saw the portion sizes in each recipe, but once I started to cook stuff and get it on the plate, I wasn’t anymore. In fact, there were a couple of meals where I didn’t know if I was going to finish them, especially the salads, they are HUGE!

The variety of foods that are in the recipes had me trying stuff that I never imagined I would be eating. All healthy, and all great tasting! That was the other thing that I was worried about. How bland was the food going to be. However, with the combination of the spices, oils, and other ingredients, I never had one meal that I thought was bland and lacking in flavor! Which surprised me because I NEED Cholula Hot Sauce on everything, OR so I thought!

Was the Reset Hard?
The food side of the Reset was easy. I loved everything! I am HUGE picky eater and I loved it all, even though sometimes it looked gross, it tasted amazing! It was challenging mentally and emotionally by week 3, but I was at a fair and it made me want everything and anything, even though I wasn't craving it.

As far as it being a cleanse and wondering if there were tons of intense trips to the bathroom, that didn't happen. This is a gentle cleanse so during week two, which is detox week, my body was cleansing itself but it was never something I couldn't control.

Would I do it again? 
I would actually. I love the routine and the FOOD. I hate meat so this was actually right up my ally when it came to the eating!  I know when to eat and I feel so 'light', from the inside out. I am no longer craving sweets and junk. My husband and I have actually talked about continuing this life style and not adding in the meats, junk, and alcohol. And we also plan on doing the Reset once a year, just to cleanse out toxins (not only from food but from the environment) and also remind our self that food is to nourish and fuel our body, not something that controls it. Our plan is to do it at the end of summer each year, after traveling and visiting family.

So Does your body feel like it could use a 'tune up'?

Are you:
  • Working out and not completely getting the results you want?
  • Stuck, just like the scale, and you don't know where to start in revamping your eating habits?
  • Feeling like you should be more energized, but not sure how to get there?
Is the Reset for you? 
Do I think this would be beneficial for you? Absolutely. But I would say that in doing a cleanse/detox that you need to be more ready than even in starting a new workout routine. You need to be mentally ready to make a change.
I bought the Reset back in April after Cancun, but life was too crazy and the Husband was not on board with it yet.
If you are in a crazy time of life right now I'd suggest you wait until things calm down a little. Also I suggest finding someone, like me, that can keep you accountable and keep you going when you are having rough days.
With that, I don't know if there is ever a perfect time to do this. I was at a HUGE County Fair, in Centre Hall, that any where and every where you walked, you smelled food and saw people eating it.  But it's freeing to realize you can say no to that stuff. And you don't have to say no for life–it's just 3 weeks.
If you are interested in the Ultimate Reset or want to know more about it, contact me!

Health and Fitness Tip #40

GMOs? What Are GMOs? Do I need to be concerned?

GMO is an acronym for genetically modified organism. GMOs are crops or animals whose DNA has been artificially altered in order to improve one or more traits. They could not have evolved or mutated naturally to achieve this change. In many cases, foreign DNA is injected into the organism. Today, the majority of corn and soy in the US are genetically modified, after their DNA was altered to withstand certain pests and herbicides.
While this scientific feat is quite amazing, GMOs pose several challenges:
  • GMOs have not clearly been proven safe for humans over the long term.
  • GMOs have not necessarily decreased the use of pesticides or herbicides. In some cases, pesticide use and toxicity has increased.
  • GMOs are patented and pose ethical issues pertaining to corporate control of the global food supply.
Awareness of the existence of GMOs has grown in recent years, with many consumer groups calling for clear labeling of food products containing genetically modified ingredients.
Whether GMOs are safe or not. I avoid them! We were ment to eat food frommthe ground that is in its most natural state. Foods that have been modified are NOT in their most natural state. 
So how do you know what food has GMOs and those that don't? 
Download the Fooducate app! You can use the app to help find GMOs in your food. Go to the app settings screen, and in the GOAL tab, make sure to turn "WARN ME ABOUT GMOs" to ON. 
I use this APP and I love it!! Definite recommendation!! 

Thursday, August 20, 2015

NEW RECIPE - Lentil Spinach Soup

It's not soup season YET, but it will here before you know it! This is a great soup to make ahead and put in crock pot to warm up on busy nights. This is one I will be making for sure this Football season, so hubs and I can grab and go, especially after Satuday Night Football home games!! 

Lentil Spinach Soup

Vegan, gluten-free

Serves 6-8

1 onion
3 carrots
4-5 cloves garlic
2 cups dry lentils (green or brown)
15 oz. can diced tomatoes (or fresh)
4 cups vegetable broth
3 cups water
4-5 oz. spinach
1 1/2 tsp. cumin
1 tsp. smoked paprika
1/4 tsp. salt, more to taste


Dice onion and carrot.

In a large stockpot over medium heat, saute onion and carrot for about 7 minutes.

Meanwhile, mince garlic and rinse lentils.

Add garlic, cumin, paprika, and salt to stockpot. Saute 1 minute.

Add broth, water, tomatoes, and lentils.
Increase heat and bring to a boil.

Reduce heat, cover, and simmer for about 30 minutes or until lentils are tender.

Meanwhile, roughly chop spinach.

Add spinach during last couple minutes of cooking.

Salt to taste.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Planning is Critical

Do you start each week off planed and prepped? Are you prepared Monday mornings to have a successful week? 

Failing to plan is planning to fail.

Don't fail to plan this week. Make this week count! Follow these steps and you will plan to succeed this week. 

Step 1. Grab that pen and paper and plan out all your meals and snacks RIGHT NOW.

Step 2. Grab another sheet of paper and write down everything you need to buy at the grocery store. Only write down the ingredients you need to make those and meals and snacks.

Step 3. Go to the grocery store and STICK to your list. Stay away from the aisles as much as possible and don't buy anything you don't need. Do not give in to temptation.

Step 4. Prep your meals for the week, especially your dinner! Don't just have the food sitting in the fridge, prep now so you have it already to go. Don't be tempted by a crazy day at work and wanting to go out instead of cook. When you have everything prepped you have no excuses not to eat it. 

Step 5. Enjoy. Doing all this might sound like a lot of work. BUT, enjoy the process and know that you about to have an amazingly successful week!  

Will you plan to succeed or plan to fail this week?

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Me and my Cize Resutls


So I finished up Cize on Saturday and I must say I really wasn't expecting the results I got. I started the program right after summit, where I did not eat the best so I had actually gained weight.

But with a STRICT clean eating meal plan (Ultimate Reset), drinking shakeology, and working out 6 days a week, I am Proud to say I lost 7 pounds!!!

This program is NOT exercise. It is FUN, it is DANCING, and it is STRESSLESS.

The areas of my body that improved the most are my stomach and legs. And my stomach has drastically changed. No more Bloating!!! Whoop Whoop!!

It doesn't surprise me really when I say that my core / stomach is one of the areas of most improvement, WHY? Because Shaun T always does an amazing job with each of his programs making sure he hits your Core. And with Cize you do a LOT of core work while dancing.

Also your dancing, which means you are on your legs the entire time, so my legs definitely slimed down and look leaner.

One bad thing about this program is there is no real upper body workout. You are not down on the ground at all so you arent doing any body weight exercises or weights.

I do tell my challengers to at least incorporate an upper body workout 3 days a week. It doesn't have to be anything long but just so you feel like you get your arms worked.

Anyone can do this program. Its fun and you sweat so you are burning calories and losing weight without the feeling of exercise.

SO if you like to dance, if you like Zumba, if you need something that isn't jumping or lifting weights, something that isn't strenuous on your body, if you hate to workout but KNOW you NEED to then CIZE is for you! It doesn't matter if you can dance or not. You just have to live in the moment and enjoy your time!

I am seriously loving this program no matter how goofy I look or how much I mess up!

You Should definitely check this program out! If your interested email me and we can set up a time to chat or find me on facebook and message me and I will also help you incorporate arm workouts to keep your upper body toned!

Monday, August 17, 2015

CIZE - Recap of Week 4 / Final Week

EEK!!! I am so excited to tell you that on Saturday, I finished the CIZE program!!! And can I tell you how much I seriously love this program.

I love having a program that is only 4 weeks long. It makes the time fly by, you feel successful sticking to something for 4 weeks straight, and its the perfect summer workout, when you are crazy busy and trying to do 100 things at one time!

AND with this program you laugh, have fun, sweat, and live in the moment!!! Dancing is so freeing! Even if you do stink at it. Trust me, I am probably one of the worst dancers out there but I am having too much fun and getting into it to care!!! Plus I am doing it all in the comfort of my own home, so no one can see me mess up or trip over my 2 left feet!

The final week of Cize is like a Finale of the Fireworks, you do each routine one day. So you start from week 1 and do those 2 routines on Monday and Tuesday, then do week 2's 2 routines on Wednesday and Thursday and then Friday and Saturday are the 2 routines from week 3.

I loved this week the best because it allowed you to do all the routines. PLUS, it showed you how much muscle memory really does play a role. The routines that I thought were hard the prior weeks, actually came much easier to me and I was able to feel like I could add my own groove to it.

So does Cize have to a month long? No you can make it 2 months long if you want to focus on one routine per week.

With this program comes 2 Calendars, Advance and Beginner, but I have clients creating one that we are calling Intermediate. The Beginner calendar has you doing this program for 8 weeks, it has you take each routine and do it for a week straight. The advance Calendar is a month long and it has you doing 2 routines a week, alternating days. However, some of my clients are doing, 2 routines a week but 3 days straight of one routine or until they get a handle on it and then 3 days or 4 days of the next routine. This is what I LOVE about this program. It is geared towards your needs and wants and you don't have to move on till you MASTER that routine.

What about Progression? Does it get harder each week?

Progression, YES each week is a progression. The first weeks routines are easy and basic. There are also not a lot of moves in it and they are repeated A LOT. However, each week he adds more moves and more dynamic moves at that! He he turns it up FULL notch on the last routine, Living in the 8s. That routine I really struggled with, but the greatest thing about this program, is you don't get frustrated with it. When I messed up I would keep going to just break down and have fun and laugh at myself.  I struggled with week 3, however, I STILL got an amazing workout and sweat going while trying to not trip over my feet for the week. I was having fun and living in the moment!

SO if you like to dance, if you like Zumba, if you need something that isn't jumping or lifting weights, something that isn't strenuous on your body, if you hate to workout but KNOW you NEED to then CIZE is for you! It doesn't matter if you can dance or not. You just have to live in the moment and enjoy your time!

I am seriously loving this program no matter how goofy I look or how much I mess up!

You Should definitely check this program out! If your interested email me and we can set up a time to chat or find me on facebook and message me.

Here are is a video of me Cizing up!

Friday, August 14, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #39 - Vitamin Waters

Vitamin Waters - Are they Really Good For you?
I don't know about you, but I use to drink vitamin water like it was my job! I loved it, it tasted good! AND I thought I was actually doing my body a favor! WRONGO!!!

Vitamin waters get alot of hype in the media and they say they are GREAT for you, especially if you are atheletic and need to hydrate. UM... NO they aren't great for you!!

Here is an example of one vitamins ingredient list.

Ingredient list:
reverse osmosis water, cane sugar, less than 0.5% of: citric acid, magnesium lactate and calcium lactate and potassium phosphate (electrolyte sources), vitamin C (ascorbic acid), fruit and vegetable juice (color), natural flavors, stevia leaf extract, vitamin B5 (calcium pantothenate), beta-carotene, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride), vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), manganese citrate, gum acacia.

This is what the ingredient list should say:
water, sugar, colors, needless vitamins & minerals.

The ingredients listed are named to get you hyped about how cool this product is.

For example, it's not just any water being provided - you are getting reverse osmosiswater, whatever that means. Probably better than regular water, right?

Next up - the sugar. Not just any sugar - it's cane sugar. Sugar comes from beets or sugar cane. Someone must have decided that cane sugar sounds more sophisticated or healthy. Baloney.

A single serve bottle of this beverage has 8 teaspoons of needless, useless sugar. Actually, the sugar actually does have a use - to mask the very bitter taste of the vitamins added.

However, 120 calories is a high price to pay when you can get non-bitter water out of the tap for zero calories and zero dollars
Onwards down the ingredient list, electrolyte sources also sounds cool. Admit it. Did you know that a banana is also an electrolyte source?

So if you are lookingn to spice up your water, then do it the natural way. If you struggle to drink water becasue you don't care for it, then add natural ingredients to it. 
What can you add?
Fresh Fruit
Fresh Veggies
Whatever you do, don't be fooled by the vitamin / flavored water. Water itself contains electrolytes and the more alkaline water you choose the more electrolytes you get! 
And if you are looking for a drink to get you more vitamins then check out Shakeology! You will get vitamins and minerals and its an ALL NATURAL drink with no add sugars, perservatives, flavorings and it does not have any soy!! 

Thursday, August 13, 2015



Serves 4

1 cup quinoa, uncooked
6 cups chopped kale, de-stemmed
1/2 red onion, chopped ( I leave them out, I don't like onions)
1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
1 cup corn

1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
1/4 cup fresh lime juice (about 2 limes)
1/4 cup hot sauce of your choice (I used Cholula brand)
1/4 cup water
1 teaspoon maple syrup
1/2 teaspoon cumin

In a medium sized pot, combine 2 cups of water with 1 cup of quinoa and bring to a boil. Lower heat, cover and simmer for 15 minutes or until water is absorbed and quinoa is fluffy.

In a large salad bowl, add the kale and the onion.

Once the quinoa is done cooking, add in the black beans and corn to the pot. Mix it up. You could just add these over the kale but I wanted to warm up the beans and corn.

Add the quinoa mixture over the kale and mix.

Prepare the dressing. Pour the dressing over the salad, mix and enjoy!


Stays fresh in the refrigerator up to 2 days.

Can replace quinoa with rice and add any additional veggies you like. Bell peppers, tomato, avocado etc.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Motivation Wednesday - Choices

Choice, not circumstances, determines your success!
It's the choices that we make each day that determine our future, our successful, our failures.

The choice you make today has an impact on your future. Whether it comes to eating, working out, happiness, career, etc. It's the choices you make right now that will effect them down the road.

 When you chose not workout today, that's okay you won't gain 10 pounds or be or of shape tomorrow, but you will start to skip your workouts more and when you do that, you will add on the poundage and lose shape.

 If you chose to eat bad today, you won't gain weight and you won't be unhealthy tomorrow, but if you make a habit of it, over time, you will gain weight and develop a unhealthy lifestyle.

 Though it might be one day you choose to make a bad choice, know this, if you allow it to start happening more often, then you are headed down the wrong bath.
Choose what's best, do the right thing, even when you don't want to, because a week from now, a month from now, a year from now you will be glad you did!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Jenn S. 21 Day Fix Extreme

It's all about the ‪#TransformationTuesday!!
Meet Jenn she just finished her 1st round of the ‪#1DFX. And today I am sharing you this transformation because......

I want to show you how simple it is to make a change and form a habit in just 21 Days.....Jenn, like most of us, was slacking BIG TIME before she started the ‪21 Day Fix Extreme but she committed 100% to the program and to her meal plan AND she gave up wine!! Which is something you have to give up in the 21 Day Fix Extreme (but not the 21 Day Fix) And I know Jenn and trust me she LOVES her wine, so she was making a HUGE commitment to herself! And guess what?!? In just 21 Days she saw BIG changes to her body!!!

 Any one can do this program or the 21 Day Fix original. All you need to do is give yourself 21 days! This program is Simple fitness, with total body workouts that work every part of your body. This program is Simple Nutrition, with an easy to follow meal guide/plan, portion control and REAL FOOD AND the healthiest meal of the day with Shakeology!! Honestly this program is ‪foul proof!!

Taking that 1st step is the hardest part, believe me I was in your shoes 24 months ago ----- BUT with the support of my coach and my fitness group I was able to stick to my goals and accomplish more than I ever thought possible. The Fitness Groups, they WORK. The groups hold you accountable, they keep you on track, they give you a support group of other ladies doing the SAME thing. Right now I have a group of women in my fitness group that are ROCKIN' it, while they support and motivate each other ----- and they took that 1st step and a chance on themselves to make a change!! SO if YOU are ready to make a change TODAY and be on your way to living a healthier/happier life then fill out my fitness group application and lets get you started on your journey to a happier you!



Monday, August 10, 2015

CIZE - Recap of week 3

I just finished week 3 of CIZE and let me just say OMG!! I LOVE this program!! AND its only 4 weeks long so I am into my last week!

With CIZE, I am laughing, having fun, sweating, and living in the moment!!! I am probably one of the worst dancers out there but I am having too much fun and getting into it to care!!! Plus I am doing it all in the comfort of my own home, so no one can see me mess up or trip over my 2 left feet!

Last weeks routines, were fun, but because it was week 3 they got to be more challenging. The first one, Go For it, was a fun but it took me 2 days to get the hang of it. However, the second routine of the week, Living in the Eights, was hard and I had to do it 3 days in a row until I got comfortable with it. WHICH brings up my next point, you can do this program on YOUR terms!

With this program comes 2 Calendars, Advance and Beginner, but I have clients creating one that we are calling Intermediate. The Beginner calendar has you doing this program for 8 weeks, it has you take each routine and do it for a week straight. The advance Calendar is a month long and it has you doing 2 routines a week, alternating days. However, some of my clients are doing, 2 routines a week but 3 days straight of one routine or until they get a handle on it and then 3 days or 4 days of the next routine. This is what I LOVE about this program. It is geared towards your needs and wants and you don't have to move on till you MASTER that routine.

Progression, YES each week is a progression. The first weeks routines are easy and basic. There are also not a lot of moves in it and they are repeated A LOT. However, each week he adds more moves and more dynamic moves at that! He he turns it up FULL notch on the last routine, Living in the 8s. That routine I really struggled with, but the greatest thing about this program, is you don't get frustrated with it. When I messed up I would keep going to just break down and have fun and laugh at myself.  I struggled with week 3, however, I STILL got an amazing workout and sweat going while trying to not trip over my feet for the week. I was having fun and living in the moment!

SO if you like to dance, if you like Zumba, if you need something that isn't jumping or lifting weights, something that isn't strenuous on your body, if you hate to workout but KNOW you NEED to then CIZE is for you! It doesn't matter if you can dance or not. You just have to live in the moment and enjoy your time!

I am seriously loving this program no matter how goofy I look or how much I mess up!

You Should definitely check this program out! If your interested email me and we can set up a time to chat!

Friday, August 7, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #38 - 5 MORE Things to leave off your Sandwich or Salad

5 MORE Things to leave off your Sandwich or Salad

1. "Special" Sauces

Restaurants love to concoct crazy sauces for  sandwiches. Aiolis, creamy pestos… Chances are, they're heavy in the calorie department. (Sorry; truth bomb.) But sometimes that spead's the main draw of that particular item. Your best course of action in that situation? Skip that sauce in the moment, but take note of what exactly appeals to you -- fresh herbs, chipotle flavor, sun-dried tomatoes, etc. -- and then re-create it at home. Start with fat-free Greek yogurt, and zazzle it up! This one is hard for me because I LOVE Aioli! But its the truth, not worth the extra calories.

2. Pasta

I'm always a little confused by random pasta on salads -- what's the point? Leave off those needless noodles! And while I hardly need to tell you this is a bad idea, a recent trend at hipster sandwich joints is mac 'n cheese sandwiches. Uh-uh, weirdos. This isn't even a swap-for-something-else situation. Just ditch the silliness.

3. Oily Veggies

These suckers can be sneaky, but look out for keywords like "marinated," "grilled," and "sautéed" -- a lot of times, those words are code for "soaked with oil." Eggplant is a huge offender on this front, since it's basically an oil sponge. This is how the calorie count on an otherwise smart-sounding sandwich or salad can turn out disastrous. Stick to fresh veggies... You'll be glad you did.

4. Unnecessary Bread Items

I'm talking croutons. I'm talking the why-are-you-here piece of garlic bread that shows up with your salad. I'm even talking about the top piece of bread on your sandwich! Those croutons are just a waste of calories, and they're not worth the effort it takes to spear 'em with your fork. As for that sandwich bread, if you wanna save some serious calories, consider getting your sandwich fixins wrapped in lettuce. The filling's the best part anyway!

5. Candied Nuts

 Nuts = full of healthy fats, fiber, and protein. Candied nuts = good-for-you stuff cooked in oil and sugar. BOO! This is an easy call. If your salad features 'em, request that they be left off. Or look for a pick that has simply roasted nuts.

Thursday, August 6, 2015


I love this recipe!! It is delicious and goes great over quinoa or brown rice. Its also husband approved!!


2 tbsp coconut oil
1 small white onion, chopped
2 cloves of garlic, minced
1 tbsp freshly grated ginger
1 lb chicken breast
1 large head of broccoli
Juice of 1 orange
2 tbsp of orange zest
2 tbsp sesame oil
¼ cup coconut aminos
2 tbsp honey
2 tsp sriracha
½ tsp red pepper flakes (optional)
2 tbsp sesame seeds (optional)


Heat up a large skillet or wok to medium high heat and add coconut oil, garlic, onion, and minced ginger. Lower to medium heat.

While the mixture is cooking, chop up chicken and broccoli.

 Sauté for about 5 minutes or until onions are clear, add chicken and broccoli.

Cook for about 10 minutes until chicken is no longer pink and broccoli becomes crisp.

While cooking, whisk together orange juice, zest, soy sauce, honey, sriracha, and red pepper flakes in a separate bowl.

Pour over chicken and broccoli. Cook for another 2-3 minutes on low heat.

Serve hot and garnish with sesame seeds.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Summer isn't over!!! But the craziness of fall sports is among us!!  Are you tired of trying those FAD diets, those "miracle" pills that don't work, and starving yourself just to lose a fews pounds and reach your goals? STOP!!! They don't work and it's unhealthy!!

 It takes hard work, dedication, sweat, and clean eating. Is it hard? YES!! But trust me, it is WORTH it!!!

 It is hard to get started, but I am here to help you!! For the past 2 years I have been running challenge groups and I must say, that my clients have been VERY successful. How? Because these Challenge groups are more than just posts.

 They provide:
✅ Daily Tips
✅ Recipes
✅ Help with meal planning
✅ 1 on 1 Support
✅ Accountability
✅ Motivation

 Starting on Today, I am giving YOU the opportunity to get the NEW COOKBOOK (FIXATE) by Autumn Calabrese, the creator of the 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme.

 This book has 101 AMAZING recipes to use during your journey!!!

And for the ENTIRE month of August, I will be giving them away for FREE to NEW challengers that purchase a fitness package (Shakeology + Program)!!!!

Email me for details to get your journey started!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Lindsey C.

Meet Lindsey on the left is her in Punta Cana: Nov 2013. She had just finished an online personal training program and was "pleased" with her progress. She had dropped a few pounds, but the workouts were intense- 45 minutes of cardio in the morning, followed by another 45 minutes of weights at night. It was something she KNEW she wasn't going to be able to keep up with!!

After finding out that she had hip dysplasia and going through hip recontruction surgery in Feb of 2014, she was left unable to walk for 4 months. She gained weight, lost all her muscle mass in her left side, and felt deflated.

Last August she came across a program called T25 and had to know what it was. After asking around, She knew it was something she wanted to do. She was in need of something that was doable, yet would get her back to that 128 pound mark, that she had seen before her surgery. She jumped in (the best she could while not being able to lift her leg!) and SHE hasn't stopped since. Beachbody delivered those wanted results + some for her.

Not only did she hit that 128 lb mark, but with just 30 minutes of exercise a day, she is more toned and fit than she was before surgery!!

Thanks to Beachbody she has been giving back her life!! She wasn't sure it was possible until she came across T25!!!


Monday, August 3, 2015

Recap of Week 2 of Cize

I just finished week 2 of CIZE and let me just say OMG!! I LOVE this program!! I am laughing, having fun, sweating, and living in the moment!!! I am probably one of the worst dancers out there but I am having too much fun and getting into it to care!!! Plus I am doing it all in the comfort of my own home, so no one can see me mess up or trip over my 2 left feet!

Last weeks routines, were fun, and the first one, FULL OUT, was a blast and my favorite so far. However, the second routine of the week, IN THE POCKET, was hard and I had to do it 2 days in a row until I got comfortable with it. WHICH brings up my next point, you can do this program on YOUR terms!

Yes, there are 2 Calendars, Advance and Beginner, but I have clients creating one that we are calling Intermediate. The Beginner calendar has you doing this program for 8 weeks, it has you take each routine and do it for a week straight. The advance Calendar is a month long and it has you doing 2 routines a week, alternating days. However, some of my clients are doing, 2 routines a week but 3 days straight of one routine or until they get a handle on it and then 3 days or 4 days of the next routine. This is what I LOVE about this program. It is geared towards your needs and wants and you don't have to move on till you MASTER that routine.

And each week, Shaun T turns it up a notch. I struggled today, on week 3, with GO FOR IT, however, I STILL got an amazing workout and sweat going while trying to not trip over my feet. I was having fun and living in the moment!

If you like to dance, if you like ZUMBA, if you want a workout program that isn't hard or strenuous on your body, then CIZE is for you! It doesn't matter I you can dance or not. You just have to live in the moment and enjoy your time!

I am seriously loving this program no matter how goofy I look or how much I mess up!

You Should definitely check this program out! If your interested email me and we can set up a time to chat!

A little more info on what Cize is!

SO what is CIZE?

CIZE is being called “The End of Exercise” by Shaun T for one simple reason, it is not exercising! It is all about dancing! Do you love to dance? Have you ever tried Zumba? Picture Zumba but with modern dance, hip hop, and incredible dance tunes.

What comes with CIZE?

With CIZE you get the total workout + dance lessons kit all in one convenient challenge pack direct from Beachbody!
  • Workouts are all 30-40 minutes
  • Each workout is a new dance lesson. By the end of the workout, you’ve learned a new routine!
  • Workout Calendar Included
  • Bonus CIZE workout DVD for ordering through this site