Friday, October 30, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #50 - 3 Strategies to Burn FAT during Happy Hour

Happy Hour Fat Burning Strategies
Happy Hour Fat-Burning Strategy #1
ELIMINATE These Foods on "Drinks Night"

Food and drink are a natural match. But there's one food you must definitely avoid with drinks if your goal is to lose weight.

Alcohol has the unfortunate effect of shutting down your body's ability to oxidize fatty acids. In other words, it prevents you from using fat for fuel. So when you pound back a greasy cheeseburger with your favorite drink, your body can't use the fat you're eating. It gets stored in your fat cells instead!

But you can avoid piling on ugly body fat every time you have a few drinks just by sticking to lean protein and veggies. Order a steak and a side salad instead of a cheeseburger and you'll wake up the next morning as lean as you are were when you took your first sip.

Happy Hour Fat-Burning Strategy #2


AVOID These Mixed Drinks

You've heard of insulin. It's your body's "storage" hormone. And with the right nutrition timing, insulin can actually accelerate your fat loss by helping you maintain and build fat-burning lean muscle.

But Happy Hour is NOT the right time to spike your insulin, which is exactly what happens when you pound down a sugary Margarita or a sweet Rum Punch. In this case, your insulin spike is going to drive all those calories straight onto your love handles or your muffin top.

So skip the sugary mixed drinks and sip a glass of red wine or a Scotch on the rocks instead. One of the big reasons drinks like this are recommended is that you won't be as likely to pound them back. These are drinks that demand to be sipped.
Also, Research published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that both Scotch whisky and red wine help to protect against coronary heart disease by raising the body's level of anti-oxidants.

Happy Hour Fat-Burning Strategy #3


BEWARE This Popular Beverage

Did you know an excess of the hormone estrogen is responsible for driving fat into your lower body in women, and your chest or belly fat in men.

And did you know a certain alcoholic drink actually contains something called "phytoestrogens" that mimic estrogen in your body?

High amounts of phytoestrogens are bad because they can lead to ugly and stubborn fat storage in some pretty embarrassing places…

Unfortunately, the offender is a drink that pretty near everyone loves — beer.

Now don't worry, I don't expect you to give up beer. However I do recommend that you limit yourself to one or two beers on each social occasion. And stick with my previous recommendations of wine or Scotch for the rest of the time.

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