Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Jess - Ultimte Reset


Meet Jess D. 4 weeks ago she started her journey on the Ultimate Reset! She wanted to get back on track and get ready for the wedding she was going to be in. So she made a HUGE decision and decided to do Beachbody's hardest program, the ultimate reset!

And her final results are in!! She lost 18.6 pounds and a total of 15 inches!  And she couldn't be more happy or PROUD of herself for taking the leap of faith and doing this program.

So why is it hard?

1. I am not going to lie, You have to meal prep if you want to be successful! And its A LOT of meal prepping.

2. You can NOT workout on it. So if you love working out, this one is a big challenge for you, however, a good one. Your body will thank you.
So what is the Ultimate Reset?
The Ultimate Reset you body learns to eliminate certain foods and when you do this your body will react differently to the same foods once you go back to them. Your body becomes PURE in 21 days.
Well like I said above with this program you CAN NOT workout, you learn to cook different meals, you can NOT have coffee, and its a lot of food prep. However, with this program you GAIN a sense of accomplishment, you get out of the fog and can work harder, more diligently and more clear! Your body needs a good cleanse 1 time per year and this is the perfect way to do it. You EAT, you aren't in the bathroom all day long, and you learn to drink more water (which your body needs!!!).
If this is something you would be interested in learning more about or would like to do the Ultimate Reset and cleanse your body the healthiest way possible, then send me an email, and I will get you more information and walk you through the 3 week process! Because I did it in August and I honestly can't rave enough about it.  
Just think about what you could do to your body both from the inside out. This program is worth all the hours in kitchen prepping!

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