Tuesday, December 8, 2015

NEW RECIPE ~ Gluten Free Vegan, Vegetarian Chili!

Gluten Free Vegan, Vegetarian Chili
Rich and I are HUGE chili eaters and I love finding ways to make new types. My favorite by far is with the Butternut Squash but we eat the whole crock pot in one sitting. So while doing the fix extreme I created this yummy gluten free, vegan vegetarian chili!

This chili turned out AHHHHMAZING!! It was quick and easy to make Plus its HUSBAND approved! He loved it and ask if it can be something we have weekly! Plus its very filling!!

So how did I make it?

Tomatoes - I used grape tomatoes
1/2 cup  of black beans

1/2 cup of rice (cooked)
1 TBSP chili powder
1 TBSP cumin powder

First cook the rice following directions on the box, bag, or container.

While rice is cooking purée a green container (a cup) of tomatoes. I cut in half before putting them in the magic bullet.

Once rice is cooked pour the tomatoes in a sauce pan and bring to a boil.

 Add a yellow container (1/2 cup) of black beans, and seasonings - chili powder and cummin powder.

Cook on low for 10 minutes.

Add a blue container (1/4 cup) of shredded cheese (if not doing VEGAN)  or a 1/4 of a Avocado or Nutritional Yeast and top it off with a dollop of PLAIN Greek Yogurt (if not doing VEGAN)

You can not go wrong with this recipe! It was amazing!

If you are doing the 21 Day fix or the 21 Day Fix Extreme the recipe is 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 green, and 1 blue.

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