Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - 21 Day Fix Extreme - Rich and I

21 Day Fix Extreme Transformation
Here are Rich and I's 21 Day Fix Extreme Results. Remember I went from the P90x to the 3 Day Refresh, straight into the 21 Day Fix Extreme. And Rich went from Body Beast to the 3 Day Refresh to 21 Day Fix Extreme.
The 21 Day Fix Extreme is NOT to have you lose a lot of weight. The fix extreme is to get you CUT and RIPPED!! So you may be looking at both Rich's and I's pictures saying we didn't lose anything, BUT you can see a difference in tone and leanness. And you're right, we didn't lose much, but we lost more than you think, it just turned fat into muscle.
We did this 21 Days before Christmas. I was able to stick to the Extreme meal plan and only cheated once. Rich however, had recruiting events, penguins games, and other football related activities that he wasn't able to follow the 21 Day Fix Extreme meal plan to a T but did try to follow the 21 Day Fix meal plan to the best of his ability.
The difference between the 21 Day Fix and Fix Extreme meal plan is that the Fix Extreme does not allow for any treats such as wine and chocolate.
I am happy with our results, especially with the time of year it was.  Plus this program gave us a base to start Hammer and Chisel on the 4th!  I also no longer feel bloated and I feel confident in my body. 

I did not remember to take our measurements before we started but we did weigh ourselves. I lost 1.4 pounds - Not a lot but remember this program isn't for people to lose a lot of weight.  And Rich lost about 2.5 pounds.

Conclusion - This program works! If you are someone that has those last pesky pounds to lose or wants to get cut up and ripped, or just dial in your nutrition and workout this program is for you. The 21 Day Fix Extreme works for those that workout and are intermediate to advance in their workout regimen. 
Remember this program isn't designed to help you lose a lot of weight, it is designed to get you to lose the last few pounds and get toned up.  If you goal is to gain weight this program will help you do that by building muscles, and if your goal is to maintain weight and dial in your nutrition, the 21 Day Fix Extreme will help you do that.

This program is amazing and so many people have changed their life due to it. Are you ready to change yours?

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