Friday, July 15, 2016

Health and Fitness Tip #86 - 6 Cheap Organic Foods You Can't afford NOT to Buy

Have you ever brought a hand basket half-full of organic food to the register at your local grocery store?  Did the register clerk then ask you for 1 MILLION DOLLARS?  You probably thought you were being robbed, but actually, that was the total for 3 organic peas and a banana.  The organic milk and eggs, on the other hand, they had to put on layaway.  Times are tough, when you're buying organic.

Okay, so maybe that's a slight exaggeration, but not really.  Organic food is 'spensive.  BUT, there are some foods that still proudly sport that well-earned organic seal while actually not being a bunch of pompous, self-righteous snobbleganglers to boot (go figure).  Here are 6 of them...and as you'll see, the "regular" alternatives to many of these organic foods just ain't worth pinching pennies over...

1. Chia seeds - These wonder seeds actually have more omega-3s than salmon while being a whopping...wait for it...13 cents per serving.  Try finding that at your local fish market!  Actually, don''d be a fruitless journey as 13-cent organic fish simply don't exist at any fish market, anywhere.  Fish markets also don't carry fruit -- double fruitless!!

2. Organic beans - 69 cents for 20g of protein and 14g of fiber, all while not having to worrying about the many contaminants often contained in canned goods.  Need I say more?  Methinks me needn't.

3. Corn tortillas - Corn tortillas only cost slightly more than their "regular" counterparts, with the exception that 100% of organic corn is non-GMO, while 90% of the "other" corn grown in America has more GMOs.

4. Frozen fruit - Want to get more organic fruit for less than the cost of a smaller amount of non-organic fruit?  Buy it the freezer section.  I love to blend frozen organic fruit into my Shakeology Shakes. I mean, they are really good.

If you do the math, which I haven't, organic olive oil is pretty much free on a per serving basis.  Ok, so maybe it's not free, but it's really inexpensive for a tablespoon of the stuff.  A quarter maybe, which to anyone other than a 3 year old is the same thing as free.  Besides, I'd rather spend a shiny George Washington on pure organic olive oil than whoever is on the dime for FAKE, rancid olive oil, which was found to be the case in a recent study for 70% of the non-organic olive oil that lines grocery store shelves today.  Yikes!

In potato news, you may be shocked to learn that the Environmental Work Group, in their now renowned study, discovered that potatoes contain more pesticides by weight than any other produce. That's not a good fact.  Want to know a good fact, though?  Organic potatoes, which contain no pesticides, don't cost much more than pesticidy potatoes. The choice is clear. 

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