Thursday, July 28, 2016

New RecipeS - 3 Delicious Make Ahead Breakfast Ideas!

3 Make Ahead Breakfast Ideas!

I don't know about you, but when I hate coming up with ideas for breakfast and I honestly do NOT care to stand around making anything either!

I LOVE my overnight oatmeal bowls, but they get old eventually, and old I mean having it daily gets boring after a while. 

So here are 3 different amazing make ahead breakfast recipes that you and your WHOLE family will love and that you can make on Sunday and have through out the week! 

What I do now is I make 2-3 Different breakfast bowls on Sunday, my meal prep day, and then alternate them through out the week so I don't get tired of having the same thing every day! 

Each one of these bowls has a different taste to it, so even if you are eating a breakfast bowl daily your pallet will not get bored and will actully love each one for its uniqueness!

What is your go to breakfast that you make?

Breakfast Power Bowl

Make-Ahead Breakfast Bowl

Chewy Cinnamon Cranberry No Bake Breakfast Bars

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