Thursday, December 31, 2015

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

RECIPE ALERT - Healthy Apple Almond Butter Muffins - Gluten Free

Healthy Apple Almond Butter Muffins

 Yield: 12

Serving Size: 1 muffin


2 and 1/2 cup rolled oats

1 cup unsweetened apple sauce

1/3 cup pure maple syrup

1 tablespoon vanilla extract

1/4 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk

2 tablespoons coconut sugar (or organic brown sugar)

2 eggs

4 tablespoons almond butter

1 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt

2 teaspoons cinnamon

1 teaspoon ginger

2 apples, peeled and grated (approx. 1 cup)


Preheat the oven to 350°F and then grease or line a muffin tin for 12 muffins.

Place of all of the ingredients except for the grated apple and 1/2 cup of the oats into a blender or a food processor and blend for about 30 seconds, or until smooth.

Blot the grated apple with a paper towel then add it to the blender. Using a spoon, gently stir in the apple and the remaining 1/2 cup oats into the batter.

Pour the batter into the muffin tin, filling each about 3/4th of the way full. Bake in the oven for 22 minutes, until light golden brown.

Allow to to cool for at least 10-15 minutes then smear with a small serving of almond butter and devour like a savage beast, I mean, lady. :)

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - 21 Day Fix Extreme - Rich and I

21 Day Fix Extreme Transformation
Here are Rich and I's 21 Day Fix Extreme Results. Remember I went from the P90x to the 3 Day Refresh, straight into the 21 Day Fix Extreme. And Rich went from Body Beast to the 3 Day Refresh to 21 Day Fix Extreme.
The 21 Day Fix Extreme is NOT to have you lose a lot of weight. The fix extreme is to get you CUT and RIPPED!! So you may be looking at both Rich's and I's pictures saying we didn't lose anything, BUT you can see a difference in tone and leanness. And you're right, we didn't lose much, but we lost more than you think, it just turned fat into muscle.
We did this 21 Days before Christmas. I was able to stick to the Extreme meal plan and only cheated once. Rich however, had recruiting events, penguins games, and other football related activities that he wasn't able to follow the 21 Day Fix Extreme meal plan to a T but did try to follow the 21 Day Fix meal plan to the best of his ability.
The difference between the 21 Day Fix and Fix Extreme meal plan is that the Fix Extreme does not allow for any treats such as wine and chocolate.
I am happy with our results, especially with the time of year it was.  Plus this program gave us a base to start Hammer and Chisel on the 4th!  I also no longer feel bloated and I feel confident in my body. 

I did not remember to take our measurements before we started but we did weigh ourselves. I lost 1.4 pounds - Not a lot but remember this program isn't for people to lose a lot of weight.  And Rich lost about 2.5 pounds.

Conclusion - This program works! If you are someone that has those last pesky pounds to lose or wants to get cut up and ripped, or just dial in your nutrition and workout this program is for you. The 21 Day Fix Extreme works for those that workout and are intermediate to advance in their workout regimen. 
Remember this program isn't designed to help you lose a lot of weight, it is designed to get you to lose the last few pounds and get toned up.  If you goal is to gain weight this program will help you do that by building muscles, and if your goal is to maintain weight and dial in your nutrition, the 21 Day Fix Extreme will help you do that.

This program is amazing and so many people have changed their life due to it. Are you ready to change yours?

Monday, December 28, 2015

RECIPE ALERT - Black Bean Quinoa Bake - Gluten FREE and FIXED approved

Black Bean Quinoa Bake
EEKKK!!! I am so excited to share this recipe! It was out of this world AMAZING!!! I was worried at first 1. because it was a casserole type dish and 2. I was making it VEGETARIAN style. BUT, it was amazing and I absolutely loved it!!! AND it was Husband Approved!!! And VERY filling!!
This is a MUST try recipe!! You won't regret it!! This picture does not do it justice!  It was filling and big! 
Black Bean Quinoa Bake

Makes 4 servings

Each serving = 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 blue, 1 red

Yellow Container Ingredients
1 cup uncooked Quinoa

Red Container Ingredients
1 Can of Black Beans

Green Container Ingredients
Tomato Sauce (blend up grape tomatoes to make  2 cups)

Spinach – 2 cups
Blue Container Ingredients
Nutritional Yeast (2 Blue containers worth)

Freebie ingredients
Juice of 1 lime
Chili Powder 2 Tbsp
Cumin 2 Tsp
Garlic Powder 1 Tsp
Cholula Hot Sauce to taste (optional)


1.    Preheat Oven to 350 degrees F. Spray a 9X13 baking dish with coconut oil & set aside.

2.    Add 1 Cup of Quinoa to 2 cups water in a Medium saucepan & bring to a boil over medium heat. Boil for 5 minutes. Turn heat to low & simmer for about 15 minutes, or until water is absorbed. Remove from heat & fluff with a fork. Cover quinoa & set aside..

3. Remove from heat & add the beans and veggie mixture to the quinoa. Pour in the tomato sauce, hot sauce, spinach and stir. Add the cumin, chili powder & garlic powde. Stir to combine. Adjust seasonings to taste.
4.  Add 1 blue container of Nutritional Yeast.

5. Pour mixture into prepared baking dish. Top with remaining 1 (blue) containers of Nutritional Yeast. Cover with foil & bake for 20 minutes. Remove foil & bake for an additional 10 minutes or until Yeast is melted & edges are bubbling. Remove from oven& let cool for 10 minutes.

Served with a side of Broccoli - 1 EXTRA GREEN

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

RECIPE ALERT!!! 7 Shades of Green – Spring Quinoa Salad

7 Shades of Green – Spring Quinoa Salad

I love Quinoa and trying it different ways. This is another great recipe to make ahead and have it as a salad for the week! Definitely try it out! You won't regret it!

 Makes: 4 portions

1 cup quinoa
3 mini cucumbers, chopped
2 Granny Smith apples, chopped
2 celery stalks, chopped
2 cups frozen shelled edamame beans
1 green bell pepper, cored and chopped
1/2 cup pumpkin seeds
2/3 cup chopped parsley
For the dressing:
juice of 2 limes (about 2 to 2 1/2 Tbsp)
3 Tbsp olive oil
1/4 tsp salt


To prepare quinoa, rinse and soak it in cold water for 30 minutes to 4 hours. Drain and rinse well one more time.

Place the quinoa and 2 cups of water into a small saucepan. Bring to a boil.

Reduce heat and cover. Simmer for 10 minutes or until quinoa is fluffy and has absorbed all of the liquid. Let the quinoa cool to room temperature.
In the meantime, cook the edamame following the instructions on the package. Let it cool to room temperature.

In a large salad bowl, add the cucumbers, apples, celery, bell pepper, pumpkin seeds, parsley, edamame and quinoa.

To prepare the dressing, add the lime juice, olive oil and salt to a small bowl. Whisk and pour over the veggies. Toss to combine.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

RECIPE ALERT - Stuffed Baked Sweet Potato

Baked Sweet Potatoes with a Feta Salad

I don't know about you, but I LOVE sweet potatoes. I seriously could eat one a day with just cinnamon on it! However, the Hubby likes things changed up. So I made this sweet potato recipe that is just to DIE for!! It tastes so good and is a great way to get a yellow if you are doing the fix and don't like many of them or even sweet potatoes. You honestly can't taste the potato because of all the toppings!!!
This is a must try RECIPE!!! Oh and its a very SIMPLE recipe! Doesn't take long to prep!

 Serves: 2


2 mid sized sweet potatoes (I used small ones because of doing the 21 Day Fix)
 1/4 cup of feta or similar cheese
1 small red onion/ 3 spring onions
10-12 cherry tomatoes
1 clove of garlic (peeled and diced)
Handful fresh (chopped) or 1 tbsp dried basil
½ tsp cumin
½ tsp cayenne pepper
¼ tsp fresh ground pepper
2 tbsp olive oil
juice of ½ lemon

A third of a cucumber for extra crunch


Wash the potatoes and rub a coat of olive oil and salt on the skin.

Next, put them on a baking tray and layer of foil. Off they go in the oven. Depending on the size of the potato they’ll be ready somewhere between 45 and 60 mins. You can tell when the skin becomes loose (just prod them). If the potatoes are massive then slice them length-ways before cooking to save time.

While they’re cooking, cut or crumble the feta/cheese, cut cherry tomatoes, basil, peel and dice the onion and the garlic and mix it all up in a salad bowl.

Put the basil, cumin, cayenne pepper, fresh ground pepper, olive oil and lemon in a cup and stir well.

Add the contents of the cup to the salad bowl and stir well.

When the potatoes are ready (cut them open if they’re not already) pop them on a plate and layer the salad mix on top.


Monday, December 21, 2015

Holiday Traveling Tips

5 Holiday Travel Tips
You'll need them for standard snacking, of course, but also for unforeseen circumstances that could lengthen your travel time: flight delays, a long time taxiing on the runway, traffic on the way to your destination, etc. And during the flight, you probably don't want to get stuck eating the calorie-heavy options that airlines offer. (Don't be fooled by those cheese-and-cracker snack boxes -- they often have 800+ calories each!) Pack your carry-on with several shelf-stable snacks that are high in protein and/or fiber, don't take up too much space, and won't get crushed in transit: apples, jerky, snack bars, etc. Avoid anything messy or smelly, like pomegranates and tuna. Forgot to pack 'em? No worries. You can usually find decent options in the terminal, like those picks I mentioned. Just read labels and watch out for multi-serving snacks that look like single servings.

2. Plan ahead in terms of meals.
You might be tempted to skip a meal in your rush to get to the airport, but try to leave time for a filling breakfast, lunch, or dinner at home before you go. That's where you'll have the most control, and you're about to be out of that comfort zone for a while. If you know you're going to need a meal at some point during your travels, plan on grabbing it at the airport, not in flight. There are loads more healthy options at the airport. If you don't have time to eat the meal before boarding, you can always bring it on the plane with you. Need some motivation for hunting down low-calorie meals? You're probably going to enjoy a few indulgent dishes when you get to your destination -- don't blow your decadent-food budget on airport food!

3. Put your fast-food skills and chain-restaurant know-how to the test.
Here's a one-sentence refresher on surviving a fast-food meal: Always look at nutritional stats before you order, choose grilled not crispy, and hold the mayo. You can almost always find a basic salad with grilled chicken, whether it's at a fast-food counter or on a chain-restaurant menu.
4. When the drink cart comes around, water is your best bet.
(If you need sparkles, get club soda.) Even better, grab a bottle or two of H2O at the airport. Not only will it help you avoid the sugary calories in soda and juice, but it's also the best for hydration. (Plus, you'll be covered if turbulence prevents the drink cart from coming through the cabin.) And staying hydrated can keep you from thinking you're hungry. Besides water, tomato juice is really satisfying!

5. When you get off that plane and on to your destination, hit the grocery store sooner rather than later.
Stock up on smart snacks and even some meal staples, so you're not at the mercy of the hotel mini bar or your host's half-empty fridge. And don't forget to plan and pack for the trip back!

Overall, do the best you can, and don't beat yourself up if you make a few bad choices. Just get right back on track whenever you can. Happy travels!

Friday, December 18, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #57 - 7 Fatty Foods that help with a Flat Stomach

1.  Super Dark Chocolate (at least 72% cacao content or higher)

It might not be a secret anymore, but yes, dark chocolate (NOT milk chocolate) can be a very healthy food, even though it is technically calorie dense. 

Dark chocolate can actually HELP you to burn off more body fat if you're the type of person that has a sweet tooth and likes to eat a lot of desserts.  In this case, just 1 or 2 small squares of dark chocolate can many times satisfy your sweet tooth for only 30 or 40 calories as opposed to 500 calories for a piece of chocolate cake or a piece of pie. 

Dark chocolate is also very rich in healthful antioxidants, including a powerful compound called theobromine which has been shown to help lower blood pressure and have other health benefits.  The fat content in a good dark chocolate should come solely from the natural healthy fats occuring in cocoa butter and not from any other added fats.  Any chocolates with added fats or other additives will generally not be as healthy.

The higher the % of cacao, the lower the % of sugar.  However, this does mean that any chocolate over 80% cacao content will generally start to get a more bitter taste and have very little sweetness.  If you like this type of taste, then the higher % cocao, the better. Otherwise, a good 75% dark chocolate is in my opinion an almost perfect combination of lightly sweet with a rich chocolate taste.  Just remember to keep those daily quantities of chocolate small as it is calorie dense!
You can also reap the benefits of the antioxidants and fiber without all of the calories by using organic unsweetened cocoa powder in your smoothies or other recipes.

2.  Coconut milk, coconut flour, and coconut oil
Coconut milk and oil are great sources of a super healthy type of saturated fat called medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), including a component called lauric acid, which is a powerful nutrient for your immune system, and is lacking in most western diets.  In addition, MCTs are readily used for energy by the body and less likely to be stored as bodyfat compared to other types of fats.
Along with coconut milk and coconut oil as healthy fat choices, we've also got coconut flour as a healthier flour option for baking. Coconut flour is an extremely high fiber flour alternative (almost ALL of the carbs in this flour are fiber and not starch!).  Coconut flour is also VERY high in protein compared to most flours and is also gluten free! 
Just beware that if you're going to use coconut flour for baking, it absolutely NEEDS to be mixed with other flours as it sucks up moisture like crazy... I've made delicious baked goods by mixing coconut flour with almond flour and quinoa flour in equal parts, and adding slightly more liquid ingredients than the recipe calls for.



3.  Grass-fed (pasture-raised) butter

Yes, delicious smooth and rich BUTTER (real butter, not deadly margarine!)... It contains loads of healthy nutritional factors, and does NOT have to be avoided in order to get lean.

In fact, there's ample evidence that REAL butter can even help you to lose body fat for a couple of main reasons:

   a.  Grass-fed butter is known to have high levels of a healthy fat called CLA, which has been shown to have anti-cancer properties, and also has been shown to help burn abdominal fat and build lean muscle.

   b.  Grass-fed butter also has an ideal balance of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids (unlike conventional grain-fed butter) which helps fight inflammation in your body, and can help balance hormones.

   c.  The healthy fats in grass-fed butter also contain MCTs, which help to boost your immune system and are readily burned by the body for energy.  The healthy fats in grass-fed butter also help to satisfy your appetite and control blood sugar levels, both of which help you to stay lean!

   d.  Grass-fed butter also contains the vitally important nutrient vitamin K2.  Vitamin K2 works alongside vitamin D and calcium for proper calcium metabolism in your body, and is also involved in balancing hormones by making vitamin D more powerful.  Vitamin K2 is generally only found in grass-fed animal products such as butter, cream, full fat cheeses, and organ meats, so it's hard to obtain from plant sources except for certain types of fermented foods.  It's one of THE most important vitamins for overall health that many people lack, and it's found in that beautiful grass-fed butter that we all love!
If you have a hard time finding a grass-fed butter at your grocery store, Kerrygold Irish butter is one of my favorites, and the cows are 100% grass-fed on lush green pastures in Ireland. It's one of the richest butters in color that I've seen, which indicates high levels of carotenoids.  Organic Valley also has some excellent grass-fed butter that's rich in nutrients as well.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

NEW RECIPE!!! Butternut Squash Fries

Butternut Squash Fries

I don't know about you but I LOVE sweet potatoes and especially sweet potato fries!! But on the 21 Day Fix extreme they count as a YELLOW and you don't get a lot of them.

BUT WAIT......

I am here to tell you about butternut squash! Have you ever had it? Have you tried it? OMG if you cut it up into fry slices and cook them, they turn out just like sweet potato fries!! And the best part is that they count as a green!!! WHOOP WHOOP! And I honestly can say they taste better!

I love butternut squash and all the different things you can do with it, but this recipe by far is my favorite!!!

Butternut Squash Fries

Serves: 2

1 butternut squash
Coconut oil (only for oiling pan)
Pinch of Pink Himalayan Salt


1.Put oven on Broil. Peel and cut the squash in half lengthways. Scoop out the seeds and then cut each half into fries or wedges.

2.Toss the fries with Cinnamon.
3. Place the fries on the baking tray that you oiled with Coconut Oil. Bake on Broil for 20-35 minutes (depending on the size of your fries) turning every 5 minutes.
 4. Turn the Over to 425 and cook the fries for another 10-20 minutes depending on how crispy you would like them.

5.Remove from the oven and sprinkle with Pink Himalayan Salt.
This is a MUST make recipe!! I promise you can't go wrong and you will end up LOVING these fries!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Hammer and Chisel Group!!

 It's here!! It's finally here!! Hammer and Chisel launched 2 weeks ago!!!!! And I am super excited for this program!


Because It is a comprehensive resistance training program that will sculpt lean muscle.

The workouts vary, so you don't hit a plateau and you don't get bored! Plus the workouts range from 25-40 minutes.

You get a meal plan and nutrition guide that is customized to your goals, lean out, maintain and sculpt, bulk up!
This is the only program that gives you 2 celebrity trainers, Autumn Calabrese and Sagi Kalev, who have done many body competitions!

This program is great great for both men and women who are looking to get stronger and leaner.

Just look at the results from Danette below! This 60 day program works! And I can't wait to start it!

I am forming my test group now and it is filling up fast!! I only have 5 spots left!

Want to join? Fill out this FORM and I will send you the link!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


One thing I LOVE  about Christmas, is giving!! And today I am in the GIVING MOOD!!!!!!

Beachbody has helped me in SOOO many ways. From physical to emotional to financial! And the best thing about my job is that I get to help others EVERY SINGLE DAY!!

And it's easy!! All you have to do is start with you! Commit to helping yourself!! Commit to your health!

And for the next 4 people who decided to join me in my NEW YEARS Fitness Group.....YOU will receive a gift from me! All you have to do is commit to your health and fitness journey (Shakeology + program)! This applies to anyone that joins my team as a coach, discount coach, or as a customer in a fitness group!

**Gifts will range from $20 gift card to a free program of your choice!

Are you ready to commit to changing? If you are, then fill out this form (Click Here) to find out we can get you started on your journey and get your FREE program or Gift Card of choice!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Name CHANGE!!!

So this weekend, actually Friday, I went to the Social Security Office to get my named changed!! I mean its only been a year and a half that we have been married! It's about time!! Right?!?

Yes, I know I waited a long time. It was just with traveling it was hard to do and then get all the right documents to match. So I thought now is the best time. We aren't traveling for the Holidays so I didn't need to worry about proper documentation.
So Friday I went to the SSO to get my name changed and then Saturday I went to the DMV to get my license changed. Next is my passport and my cards.

 I am no longer a Gerity. I am a Yahner!! CRAZY!! But I think Rich is happy! I honestly think he was starting to think I would never change it, but I surprised him and did!!

Days like Friday made me realized how thankful and lucky I am to be able to work from home and on my own hours so that I can go in the middle of the day to do these things and not have to go on weekends or use a personal day.

So Question for you, be Honest.....

 How long did it take you to change your name after you got married?

Friday, December 11, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #56 - More Foods that BOOST your SEX Drive

More Foods that BOOST your SEX Drive


6. Figs

Figs are high in magnesium, a key ingredient in estrogen and androgen production, as well as dopamine production. Figs are high in tryptophan, the precursor to serotonin, and aids increased pheromone secretion; pheromones are basically your blood, sweat, and tears (bodily fluids, etc.) that trigger sexual attraction.


Have you been thinking about adding another member to the family? To strengthen fertility levels, get some figs in your diet. They have high folic acid content, which can help prevent birth defects during early stages of pregnancy.

7. Honey
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” the old saying by Hippocrates goes. As it turns out, the ancient Greek physician also prescribed honey to increase sexual vigor. Honey contains boron, a mineral that helps increase testosterone levels in men and facilitates estrogen use in women.


You can also find high vitamin B6 content in honey. It’s not only good for your libido-related neurotransmitters and hormones, it can also help prevent a miscarriage.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Let's get Healthy together for the New Year

Let's get Fit together for the New Year

2016 is 21 Days away?!?! That's 3 WEEKS!!! Do you make New Years Resolutions? Do you stick to them?

Well this year I want to help YOU!!! I want to help you make 2016 YOUR year. I want to help you take back your health and fitness!

I know what it is like to set a New Years Resolution and not follow through with it. I know what it feels like to be disappointed and frustrated in yourself because you planned to make this year your year and then didn't stick with it.

Let me help you make this year a year to remember. The year you didn't quit. The year you didn't give up. The year that you finally committed to you and stuck with it!

I will help you find the perfect program that will work for you and your schedule. I will work one-on-one with you to help guide you on how to make life, work, family, and a new you come together and work in harmony!

Don't let this year be another year you regret! Let's work together and make 2016 your SWEET 16 year!!!

Ready to commit and stop making excuses? Ready to make 2016 your year?
Apply today to join my NEW YEARS Group.

Let's get you on your way to a better version of you this 2016!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

New Recipe - Black Bean Burger- 21 Day Fix Approved

Black Bean Burger

Rich and I are doing the 21 Day Fix Extreme and since August have been doing a Vegetarian / Vegan Diet. Rich will have meat every once in a while, but I have not had any meat since August.

I feel great. However, I do miss the occasional turkey burger, so last night I decided to get creative and make my own HOMEMADE GLUTEN Free, Diary, VEGAN, Vegetarian, and 21 DAY FIX approved.

This recipe is easy and simple! If I can do it, then so can you.


1 medium sweet potatoes (cooked the night before)
1-15 ounce black beans, drained and rinsed
1 tsp garlic
1 tsp chili powder
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp ground cumin

  1.  Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
  2. Place the beans in a large mixing bowl. Use a potato masher or fork to mash the beans.
  3.  Add the sweet potatoes and smash, so about half the potatoes are mashed and half are broken up.
  4. Add the remaining ingredients. Stir to combine well.
  5. If following the 21 DAY FIX use a yellow container to measure out the burger mixture. Form into patties. IF NOT using the Fix use a 1/2 cup to equally portion burgers and form into patties.
  6. Place the patties on a greased baking sheet. Bake at 425 for about 25 minutes, or until browned and crisp.

These burgers were so easy and didn't have you adding any eggs or flour. The patties stayed together and didn't fall apart. The mixture of Sweet Potato and Black bean was out of this world amazing!!

This recipe is a MUST try!! Even if you aren't vegan or vegetarian! Give it a go! You never know when you might find something new you can't live without.

Also if you are following the fix 1 burger counts as 1 yellow.
If you are following the VEGAN Fix then 1 burger can count as a red or a yellow. However, do all your measuring in the yellow container.

  • Tuesday, December 8, 2015

    NEW RECIPE ~ Gluten Free Vegan, Vegetarian Chili!

    Gluten Free Vegan, Vegetarian Chili
    Rich and I are HUGE chili eaters and I love finding ways to make new types. My favorite by far is with the Butternut Squash but we eat the whole crock pot in one sitting. So while doing the fix extreme I created this yummy gluten free, vegan vegetarian chili!

    This chili turned out AHHHHMAZING!! It was quick and easy to make Plus its HUSBAND approved! He loved it and ask if it can be something we have weekly! Plus its very filling!!

    So how did I make it?

    Tomatoes - I used grape tomatoes
    1/2 cup  of black beans

    1/2 cup of rice (cooked)
    1 TBSP chili powder
    1 TBSP cumin powder

    First cook the rice following directions on the box, bag, or container.

    While rice is cooking purée a green container (a cup) of tomatoes. I cut in half before putting them in the magic bullet.

    Once rice is cooked pour the tomatoes in a sauce pan and bring to a boil.

     Add a yellow container (1/2 cup) of black beans, and seasonings - chili powder and cummin powder.

    Cook on low for 10 minutes.

    Add a blue container (1/4 cup) of shredded cheese (if not doing VEGAN)  or a 1/4 of a Avocado or Nutritional Yeast and top it off with a dollop of PLAIN Greek Yogurt (if not doing VEGAN)

    You can not go wrong with this recipe! It was amazing!

    If you are doing the 21 Day fix or the 21 Day Fix Extreme the recipe is 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 green, and 1 blue.

    Monday, December 7, 2015

    21 Day Fix Exterem with the HUSBAND?!?

    Workout Partner!
    Right before Thanksgiving my husband and I decided to start the 21 Day Fix Extreme TOGETHER!! And by together, I mean actually doing the same workout at the same time!!! I know you might be thinking, yeah so? what's the big deal? As long as I have been a coach (2+ years) I have NEVER once worked out with my husband especially to a cardio / weight lighting program like the Fix! So honestly, I was nervous!
    The past 2 months we have worked out at the same time but to different programs and on our schedule, meaning most mornings I started before him and ended before him. BUT, not any more!
    We are on Day 5! We started last Thursday, after doing the 3 Day Refresh. And I must admit, having a workout partner is FUN!!! We push each other, coach each other, and just get to spend QUALITY time together that we missed out on during the football season.
    The Extreme workouts are perfect for us because we both just ended 2 extreme programs. PLUS doing the Fix Extreme, is preparing us for our Husband and Wife, Masters Hammer and Chisel Group starting on January 4th!

    SO.....What is 21 Day Fix EXTREME®?
    The original 21 Day Fix® was designed to make losing weight so simple . . . you never had to diet again. That’s why it became America’s #1 home fitness and nutrition program.
    Now, Autumn Calabrese has created 21 Day Fix EXTREME, to get you seriously shredded in the shortest time possible. This breakthrough 21-day fitness and nutrition program combines simple portion control, clean eating, and extreme 30-minute workouts to help you finally get the lean, defined hard body you’ve always wanted.
    For your nutrition, you’ll not only be
    practicing portion control—you’ll be eating
    ONLY clean foods. No treats. No cheats.
    No excuses. Plus, you’ll get Autumn’s
    all-new 21 Day Fix EXTREME recipes to help you achieve your very best results.
    No other program has you eating this well and working this hard. But if you want a lean six-pack, cut arms, ripped shoulders, and toned legs . . . you have to take it up a notch. It’s going to take guts, intensity, and drive. But, it’s only 21 days.

    Friday, December 4, 2015

    Health and Fitness Tip #55 - Foods that Boost Your Sex Drive

    #1 Watermelon

    This dreamy-eyed summer fruit has the power to relax your blood vessels and increase your blood flow, two extremely important factors in boosting your arousal. Watermelon contains an amino acid called citrulline. Citrulline gets converted into another amino acid called arginine which can raise testosterone levels, as well as dilate your blood vessels to benefit your heart and circulatory system.


    Watermelon rinds have a higher concentration of citrulline than the flesh, so try including the rind the next time you use your juicer if you’re looking to get the citrulline boost. Watermelon is also packed with vitamin B6. Your body puts B6 to work producing feel-good neurotransmitters, or brain communication chemicals, such as dopamine and serotonin.
    #2. Garlic

    There’s nothing like going in for a kiss and getting a mouthful of garlic breath (kidding!). Garlic is a natural blood thinner and possesses high levels of allicin, a chemical compound known to improve blood flow directly to your sexual organs. To maximize these benefits, make sure to chop or crush the garlic into pieces and let it sit around for a while so it has time to release its enzymes.
    #3. Avocados
    This deliciously fatty fruit got its name from the Aztec word “ahuácatl” which translates to “testicle”. Avocados contain vitamin B6, also known to boost progesterone levels and regulate estrogen metabolism in women. Monounsaturated fats found in avocados are known to naturally increase testosterone levels in men.

    Another testosterone booster in the green testicle-like mix is vitamin E, which is additionally believed to enhance blood circulation and improve sperm quality and motility. Additionally, avocados are packed with potassium and folic acid which enhance energy and stamina.
    #4.  Meat

    Get some meat on your plate to get a surge in your carnitine, arginine, and zinc intake. Zinc regulates estrogen, helps increase progesterone, and raises testosterone. Zinc is also a crucial player regulating dopamine, one of your neurological messengers for sexual desire.


    Carnitine and arginine are important amino acids that get your blood flowing, boost your sexual responses, and have effectively treated erectile dysfunction. However, be aware of your meat sources, as other components could outweigh these benefits. Moderation is also key.
    #5. Chocolate

    If buying your love is as simple as a chocolate bar purchase, you are not alone. Buried beneath the wrapper is a chemical love trigger known as phenylethylamine or “PEA”—PEA is a psycho-stimulant that has the ability to imitate the feeling of falling in love or sensations of euphoria. PEA is the key to releasing norepinephrine and dopamine, chemicals that are imperative to pleasure and excitement.
    Methylxanthines found in chocolate increase your body’s sensitivity to help get your buttons pushed; arginine is present in chocolate as well. Eat with caution, however; not all chocolate is created equal. The more processed the chocolate (i.e. through alkalizing, fermenting, roasting, and other means), the more of the good stuff will have evaporated. Cocoa and dark chocolate are the best in terms of minimal processing.