Monday, December 14, 2015

Name CHANGE!!!

So this weekend, actually Friday, I went to the Social Security Office to get my named changed!! I mean its only been a year and a half that we have been married! It's about time!! Right?!?

Yes, I know I waited a long time. It was just with traveling it was hard to do and then get all the right documents to match. So I thought now is the best time. We aren't traveling for the Holidays so I didn't need to worry about proper documentation.
So Friday I went to the SSO to get my name changed and then Saturday I went to the DMV to get my license changed. Next is my passport and my cards.

 I am no longer a Gerity. I am a Yahner!! CRAZY!! But I think Rich is happy! I honestly think he was starting to think I would never change it, but I surprised him and did!!

Days like Friday made me realized how thankful and lucky I am to be able to work from home and on my own hours so that I can go in the middle of the day to do these things and not have to go on weekends or use a personal day.

So Question for you, be Honest.....

 How long did it take you to change your name after you got married?

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