Friday, December 4, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #55 - Foods that Boost Your Sex Drive

#1 Watermelon

This dreamy-eyed summer fruit has the power to relax your blood vessels and increase your blood flow, two extremely important factors in boosting your arousal. Watermelon contains an amino acid called citrulline. Citrulline gets converted into another amino acid called arginine which can raise testosterone levels, as well as dilate your blood vessels to benefit your heart and circulatory system.


Watermelon rinds have a higher concentration of citrulline than the flesh, so try including the rind the next time you use your juicer if you’re looking to get the citrulline boost. Watermelon is also packed with vitamin B6. Your body puts B6 to work producing feel-good neurotransmitters, or brain communication chemicals, such as dopamine and serotonin.
#2. Garlic

There’s nothing like going in for a kiss and getting a mouthful of garlic breath (kidding!). Garlic is a natural blood thinner and possesses high levels of allicin, a chemical compound known to improve blood flow directly to your sexual organs. To maximize these benefits, make sure to chop or crush the garlic into pieces and let it sit around for a while so it has time to release its enzymes.
#3. Avocados
This deliciously fatty fruit got its name from the Aztec word “ahuácatl” which translates to “testicle”. Avocados contain vitamin B6, also known to boost progesterone levels and regulate estrogen metabolism in women. Monounsaturated fats found in avocados are known to naturally increase testosterone levels in men.

Another testosterone booster in the green testicle-like mix is vitamin E, which is additionally believed to enhance blood circulation and improve sperm quality and motility. Additionally, avocados are packed with potassium and folic acid which enhance energy and stamina.
#4.  Meat

Get some meat on your plate to get a surge in your carnitine, arginine, and zinc intake. Zinc regulates estrogen, helps increase progesterone, and raises testosterone. Zinc is also a crucial player regulating dopamine, one of your neurological messengers for sexual desire.


Carnitine and arginine are important amino acids that get your blood flowing, boost your sexual responses, and have effectively treated erectile dysfunction. However, be aware of your meat sources, as other components could outweigh these benefits. Moderation is also key.
#5. Chocolate

If buying your love is as simple as a chocolate bar purchase, you are not alone. Buried beneath the wrapper is a chemical love trigger known as phenylethylamine or “PEA”—PEA is a psycho-stimulant that has the ability to imitate the feeling of falling in love or sensations of euphoria. PEA is the key to releasing norepinephrine and dopamine, chemicals that are imperative to pleasure and excitement.
Methylxanthines found in chocolate increase your body’s sensitivity to help get your buttons pushed; arginine is present in chocolate as well. Eat with caution, however; not all chocolate is created equal. The more processed the chocolate (i.e. through alkalizing, fermenting, roasting, and other means), the more of the good stuff will have evaporated. Cocoa and dark chocolate are the best in terms of minimal processing.

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