Friday, December 11, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #56 - More Foods that BOOST your SEX Drive

More Foods that BOOST your SEX Drive


6. Figs

Figs are high in magnesium, a key ingredient in estrogen and androgen production, as well as dopamine production. Figs are high in tryptophan, the precursor to serotonin, and aids increased pheromone secretion; pheromones are basically your blood, sweat, and tears (bodily fluids, etc.) that trigger sexual attraction.


Have you been thinking about adding another member to the family? To strengthen fertility levels, get some figs in your diet. They have high folic acid content, which can help prevent birth defects during early stages of pregnancy.

7. Honey
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” the old saying by Hippocrates goes. As it turns out, the ancient Greek physician also prescribed honey to increase sexual vigor. Honey contains boron, a mineral that helps increase testosterone levels in men and facilitates estrogen use in women.


You can also find high vitamin B6 content in honey. It’s not only good for your libido-related neurotransmitters and hormones, it can also help prevent a miscarriage.

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