Thursday, December 3, 2015

Transformation - 3 Day Refresh

The 3 Day Refresh

After a weekend of not eating enough and eating WAY too much, My husband, Rich, and I decided to do the 3 Day Refresh. And lets be honest, he did a lot more eating and drinking then I did. When it comes to a cheat meal, he has no will power, and because he knew we were doing the 3 day refresh he went NUTS!!

So what is the 3 Day Refresh?

The 3-DAY REFRESH is an exciting addition to the Beachbody supplements family, that has been around for a year now. It’s an easy-to- follow low-calorie, 3-day clean eating program consisting of Shakeology for breakfast, 2 additional high- protein shakes at lunch and dinner (these 2 shakes are not shakeology shakes) supplemented with a selection of fresh fruits, vegetables, healthy fats and a digestive/fiber drink. It’s the perfect solution to lose a few pounds quickly, get a clean break from bad nutrition habits and feel immediately cleaner, lighter and more healthy...without starving. Plus you can work out on this cleanse!! Not high intensity but moderate workouts are suggested, like walking, yoga, Pilates, etc.

The   day refresh has taken the 3 Day shakeology Cleanse and improved it and made it easier for someone to stick with. Yes, it is low in calories but you are eating fruits, veggies, and even healthy fats with it!!!! The only thing you are not eating is meat, dairy, and starches!! 

The refresh is perfect for any one to do, especially after a vacation, or wanting to jumpstart back into clean eating and getting back into the workout routines.
This was my 4th time doing the Refresh and my husbands 3rd time. Are results this time were amazing! Not as good as my first but better than my 2nd and 3rd.
So what are the results?
Well I lost 5.4 pounds and 1.5 inches. And Rich lost 6 pounds and 2 inches.
I am super happy with my results. I feel lighter, happier, less stressed, and more comfortable in my clothes.
Wanna do the 3 Day Refresh? Want to get back on track? Email me and we will get you back on track and feeling better than ever!!

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