Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Wanna Bet?!?!

What if I told you that in the month of September you could not only lose 5-15lbs, feel better, healthier and happier, BUT also get paid for it? Like legit make money just for working out and eating clean!

I'm not talking becoming a coach or coaching others or working the business, just doing these TWO things, every day for 30 days:

1️⃣ Working out 30 minutes a day
2️⃣ Drinking Shakeology

And getting a cut from the Beachbody Health Bet money of 1- 3 MILLION DOLLARS just for doing those 2 things!

Not a joke. Not a scheme. No catch. This is for real. Are you in?

I am starting an exclusive Betting On My Health and Wellness group for this and am SUPER excited!!

Email me at if you are interested😊

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Tasty Tuesday - Taco Tuesday!! Veggie Quesadillas

Veggie Quesadillas

I LOVE quesadillas. And when I ate meat and could handle dairy, I would make them at least once a week! 

However, I stopped making them, until the other day! It dawned on my if I can make veggie tacos AND veggie wraps, then WHY can't I make veggie Quesadillas?

So I did! I tried it and I LOVED it! I replaced the meat with beans and the cheese with nutritional yeast and I must say I LOVE them even more!! 

Are you a quesadilla fan? How do you make yours?

Monday, August 29, 2016

Grange Fair and the Past 3 Years


This picture might not mean anything to anyone, but to me it symbols the past, the present, and the future.

3 years ago I would come down for only a day because I was teaching, school was starting, we had PD days and open house, and I just had to get my classroom ready to go.

This year, I got to come and go to the fair as I wanted. 

I grew up here and LOVE this place! It's peaceful, relaxing, and fun spending time with family.

So this year, knowing that I could come and go as I pleased, made me realize how grateful I am to have jumped, to have followed my dream, and to continue to follow my dream!

Yes, it would be easier to go back to teaching with benefits, a pension, and consistent salary, but I would be miserable, I would be unhappy, and I would be just doing it because it's safe.

Life is too short to not follow your dreams, to not make those short-term sacrifices for the long term freedom.

Thanks to coaching and Beachbody, I am able to dream BIG, I am able to follow my passion, and I am confident in knowing that this JOURNEY of coaching IS going to get me to he FREEDOM Rich and I want! 

Friday, August 26, 2016

Health and Fitness Tip #91 - 5 Hot Sauce Home Remedies

5 Hot Sauce Home Remedies

Did you know that hot sauce can do a whole lot more than flavoring your food? If you have a bottle of the spicy stuff in your kitchen, you have a wealth of home remedies right at your fingertips.

Here are five of the many possible uses for hot sauce:

1. Joint and muscle pain

A primary component in all spicy peppers is capsaicin — the substance responsible for that fiery kick. Likely due to its anti-inflammatory nature, capsaicin has been linked to significant pain relief benefits. Since hot sauce is basically concentrated pepper — cayenne, sriracha or another type of hot pepper — it is loaded with capsaicin.

One type of pain that capsaicin may help to relieve is the joint and muscle pain of arthritis. A study published in 1991 by researchers at Case Western University in Ohio tested the effects of capsaicin cream on individuals with osteoarthritis. On their results, the study authors wrote:

“According to the global evaluations, 80% of the capsaicin-treated patients experienced a reduction in pain after two weeks of treatment … It is concluded that capsaicin cream is a safe and effective treatment for arthritis.”

If you need a joint or muscle pain remedy in a pinch, combine about a teaspoon of coconut oil with two or three drops of hot sauce. Spread onto the area. You may feel a bit of topical burn which is normal. However, if the reaction is severe, seek medical attention as you may have an allergy. Do not apply this mixture to broken skin.

2. Headaches

Because capsaicin helps lower inflammation, it may be effective in reducing the pain of inflammatory headaches. A 1993 study published in Cephalalgia: An International Journal of Headache, found that capsaicin helped reduce “episodic cluster headaches” in some people. It was found to be less effective in chronic cluster headache circumstances.

Now, for this study, capsaicin was given to study participants through their noses, in an intranasal application. This is not something you want to try at home! Do not ever attempt to put hot sauce, or any hot pepper substance, in your nose without medical supervision!

However, adding a couple drops into a cup of herbal tea, or even applying highly diluted capsaicin onto your temples, may soothe the inflammation — depending on your headache. It’s worth a try.

3. Bug bites

If you have an itchy insect bite, considering the bite is not broken or bleeding, rub a little hot sauce diluted in coconut oil onto the bite — it may help soothe the pain and itch. The capsaicin, and the vinegar that many hot sauces contain, may work together for this purpose.

4. Congestion

If you’re congested due to a cold or allergies, hot sauce may be able to help. The expectorant properties of capsaicin can help to break up phlegm and mucus that might be clogging up your sinuses or chest.

Simply flavor your meals with some hot sauce, or add a few drops to some hot tea. Add some lemon for the extra vitamin C factor. If you’re coughing, add some raw honey as well.

5. Sore throat

If you have a particularly painful sore throat, adding a few drops of hot sauce to a mug of warm water may help to ease the pain and inflammation. This gargle may burn a little while you are doing it, but your throat will feel better afterward. Again, if it burns too much, stop using it and consult a medical professional if the burning is severe: It may be an allergy or something more serious.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

New Recipe - Chocolate Almond Butter Sandwich Cookies

Chocolate Almond Butter Sandwich Cookies

These cookies are AMAZING!!! Oh and VERY addicting! They do NOT last LONG at all in my household! And when I mean they don't last long, I mean they do NOT last more than 24 hours. Haha 

These cookies are gluten free, grain free, AND dairy free! They taste just like regular cookies, WELL actually I think they taste better! 

AND they are dad approved! haha my dad wont eat anything gluten free but he LOVES these cookies and gets very excited when I make them. 

These are a MUST make and try and they make a great dessert for picnics. I will be making them for Labor Day!! 

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Recipe Alert - Cauliflower Bread?!?!

Cauliflower Bread Buns

These bread buns are AMAZING and yes they are made out of cauliflower and a little bit of almond and coconut flour. The taste great with a veggie burger or black bean burger. Also if you are a meat eater they do taste good with a real meat burger! 

Definitely try these out. You can use raw cauliflower and rice it yourself OR get a bag of frozen cauliflower at Trader Joes and use that! (to me the bag is MUCH easier, quicker, and definitely less messy)

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Would you bet on your health?

Would you be motivated to get results with your fitness if it meant your participation would qualify you for an equal share of a cash prize pool!??!

Beachbody is doing something brand new for the month of September & I get to host one of the HEALTH BET CHALLENGE groups!!

Any of one of my challengers who join me in my next challenge group through the CHALLENGE APP in the month of September & participates in an at home workout program + Shakeology is eligible for the HEALTH BET CHALLENGE!!

HERE are the rules:

Beachbody is building this prize pool to a minimum of ONE MILLION DOLLARS (ha) and UP TO 3 million. All our challengers who participate in the HEALTH BET CHALLENGE get to qualify for their equal share of THAT prize pool. You won't be on Facebook, you'll be on the app - so anyone can do this.

... so how do you qualify?

During my September challenge group you must:

🌟 Commit to a Beachbody home workout
🌟 Pick your Shakeology superfood smoothie flavor
🌟 Log your workout on the app 3+ days a week
🌟 Log that you drink Shakeology 5+ days a week
🌟 and live a healthy happy life! 😁💪🏻

Coolest part?


So....would you invest in yourself & COMMIT TO WHAT MATTERS --- your health and wellness?

Would you PAY YOURSELF to get healthier?


Well then, let's do HEALTH this SEPTEMBER together!!

You can stream your workouts on your phone, do it at home, bring it to the gym, do it in a hotel, get your whole family involved, do an intense workout, commit to low impact or dance cardio, start small, or go big. REALLY no excuses. No matter what your goal is - I can help you find the perfect program to commit to.

Are you ready to bet on yourself? Email me at for more details and help getting you set up for the HEALTHIEST, WEALTHIEST September!!

*if you're already working with a coach - chat with them!

**if I'm your coach & you are just ready to RE-commit, let's do it!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Shout out to My Amazing Team, Team Fearless Dreamers

Shout to #TeamFearlessDreamers

Less than a month ago we were in Nashville, Beachbody's BIGGEST event, Summit!
And These amazing ladies you see above were there with me!
They all made sacrifices to come to Nashville. They have kids, husbands, jobs, other responsibilities. But they didn't use them as an excuse.
They earned or bought their tickets and made arrangements to go!
And I am so happy they did! I met some of these ladies for the first time in Nashville!
Beachbody has brought all of these ladies into my life. We work closely together as as a TEAM and help our clients get great results.
And not only have friendships bloomed, but a family has bloomed!
We are all so different, and I know that these ladies would never have crossed my path if it weren't for Beachbody.
I am so thankful to have each and everyone of you ladies not just be apart of my team, but be a part of my life!!
Thank you for taking the time and making the investment into Summit and Nashville!
You made it my best summit!

Friday, August 19, 2016

Health and Fitness Tip #90 - 4 Raw Honey Secrets That Will Leave Your Skin, Hair and Nails Beautiful!

4 Raw Honey Secrets That Will Leave Your Skin, Hair and Nails Beautiful! 

There’s no denying it: honey is delicious. It’s sweet, syrupy and evokes a sense of indulgence and homeliness. In recent years, raw honey has received a big thumbs-up from the alternative health community as a “healthier” sweetener. The active enzymes contained within honey help our bodies more easily digest the sugars, and even help to lower cholesterol and aid in weight loss.

But while you may be familiar with all this, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to learn that honey can work wonders for your hair, skin and nails. In the same way that honey nurtures your body and provides vital nutrients and antioxidants, it also nourishes your largest organ, revitalises your lovely locks, and adds lustre to your nails.

And the best part? It’s completely natural. Why coat your body in noxious, chemical-laden creams and lotions when you can utilize something that is so good for your skin, you can eat it. How many lotions do you have that can boast that?

1 Say goodbye to scars

Honey possesses the very convenient ability to hydrate your skin, promoting the restoration of skin cells and encouraging younger, more supple skin. This same ability means that honey can help to fade or potentially remove scars if applied repeatedly over time. Honey may even help to prevent scars from forming in the first place. Try rubbing the following concoction on small wounds or areas that have the potential to develop scar tissue. The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents in honey will also ensure that your booboo heals quickly and doesn’t develop an infection.

What to do: Combine a teaspoon of raw honey with a teaspoon of either olive oil or coconut oil (I usually use coconut oil as it’s less likely to stain your clothes and makes you smell delicious). Once you’ve blended the ingredients (warming the coconut oil and honey to room temperature first should help with that), gently massage the salve into the area of concern for at least a minute. Placing a cloth soaked in warm water will help to soak the mixture into your skin, amplifying its healing properties.

2. Power wash those pores

The enzymes in raw honey that make it such an easily digestible sugar also help to cleanse your skin and purify the pores of your skin. In addition, for those people who suffer from acne problems, the antibacterial powers of both raw honey and coconut oil can help to minimize bacterial buildup in your pores and prevent yet another zit invasion.

What to do: Mix together room temperature raw honey and coconut oil until it’s smooth and malleable. Apply the mixture to dry, clean skin and gently rub it in, in a circular motion, making sure to steer well clear of your eyes. Leave the mixture on for a few minutes, then rinse off with lukewarm water.

3.Hydrate your hair

Honey can also be utilized to get tired hair back on track. Its healing properties, when combined with coconut oil, help to smooth hair cuticles, repair breaks and split ends, and restore that shine to your hair — which all the mainstream shampoo brands promise but never deliver.

What to do: Mix together a tablespoon of room-temperature honey with two tablespoons of liquid coconut oil (coconut oil becomes liquid at around room temperature). Rub the mixture on your hands then apply it generously to your hair, starting from the bottom and working your way up towards the crown. Rinse off with warm water after leaving it in for around half an hour.

4.Moisturize those cuticles

This mixture utilizes the skin-healing properties of raw honey with the conditioning powers of coconut oil and the skin-softening ability of apple cider vinegar to wash away your cuticle woes. In addition, raw honey encourages the skin to draw moisture into itself, while apple cider vinegar helps to restore a healthy skin pH, which are all good things for your cuticles.

What to do: Whip together a teaspoon of raw honey, a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, and a teaspoon of coconut oil until thoroughly blended together. Rub the mixture over each of your cuticles, leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse off.

Remember, the key to success with honey is to only buy the good stuff. And that means investing in raw honey, preferably certified organic. Raw means honey that has been spared the injustice of pasteurization, which destroys honey’s active enzymes and denatures its complex assortment of antioxidants and nutrients through the process of heat treatment.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

NEW RECIPE!!! NO Bake Deliciousness!!

No Bake Recipes!!! 

I am ALWAYS looking for recipes to make that I don't have to bake and that I can freeze and pull out for times that I travel!! And these 2 recipes below are amazing! Not only are they healthy for you but they help you get protein in so that you are satiated longer, especially when on the go and traveling! 

No-Bake Workout Bars

These bars are great to take with you to the gym, have at home to have after your workout, or to have on hand when you go for longer runs or bike rides! 

Oatmeal Strawberry Bites 

These bites are delicious and can have a scoop of protein powder added to them for the extra punch in your nutrition with your protein in take!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The Great Grange Fair

The Great Grange Fair

Uh-Oh!! The suitcase is back out!!

Yep, I am on the road again! And this trip is to the COOLEST place on earth!

I am not a country girl at the slightest, but for the past 31 years I have been going to a magical world known as the Great Grange Fair!!

The Grange Fair is A Family Tradition! And this year is the 142nd Annual Centre County Grange Encampment and Fair, better known as The Grange Fair!!

The Grange Fair is a city within a town, as campers “move into” the Grange Park in Centre Hall, PA to live for more than a week. There are concerts, rides, food, games, and competitions. 

But this experience is like NO other your have ever seen from a fair, this fair is one of the most uniquely friendly “hometowns” in America!!

This fair is the only fair that still had tents!

Yes that's right for a week you sleep in tents, but they aren't tents that you pitch when camping in the woods. These tents have ELECTRICITY!!

Plus they are huge! They fit beds, couches, tables, and they even have a kitchen!

I am so excited to go, it's like being a kid all over again!

Have you ever heard of the grange fair?

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Greek Quinoa Grilled Zucchini Boats

I don't know about you but Zucchini boats are one of my FAVORITE things to make!! 


Because you can make them SOO many different ways and they take the place of the carbs!! 


I use Zucchini to make Taco Boats, Pizza Boats, you name it! And if you are a fixer this is a big deal because your carbs are limited, which is a good thing! So the zucchini makes for a GREAT replacement and it counts as a GREEN!!! 

Can I get a WHOOP WHOOP!!! 

Monday, August 15, 2016

Meant for More


Have you ever thought that? Have you ever KNOWN that you were meant for something great? Something bigger?
I have always known that I was meant for more. And I thought that more was with teaching.
I have a servant's heart. And helping others is what makes me feel like I am making a difference.
But by my 8th year of teaching, I didn't feel that this was what I was meant to do.
Don't get me wrong, I loved the kids, but there was something missing. I knew I had greatness inside me, I knew I was meant for more, I knew I was meant to HELP more people and do more!
And that's when Beachbody came into my life.
Did I know anything about it? No
Did I know what I was getting into? No
Was I in the best shape of my life? FAR FROM IT!
Was I a fitness and nutrition expert? No!
But when I heard of the opportunity to help others get fit, healthy, happy and confident, I knew this was the calling I was looking for. I knew with this that I could make an impact on others and do MORE!
And even though I have been doing this for 3 years now, I am just getting started! Helping others is my Jam! And I plan to continue to not only help others get healthy, but I plan to continue to help others with their financial situation.
So let me ask you....have you always felt that you were meant for greatness?
Are you looking for something more?
Coaching can help you with that! Coaching can give you that feeling of greatness.
Coaching has changed my life in so many ways, but the one way it's changed the most, is the yearning for greatness!
Never in a million years would I think I could help others like I have. Never did I think me, an INTROVERT, could build a successful business. Never did I think that I could work on the beach, love what I do, and still make money, for working just an hour a day.
But...I am! Because I KNEW I was meant for greatness!!
And now I want to share with you everything that has made me and my team successful! I want to help you become a part of my team, so that I can help you work towards your goals - whether they are making a supplemental income, replacing your salary, or just having the extra income to spend.
Don't ask why? Ask yourself why not?!?
Email me at to learn more about coaching and how you can get started on your journey towards greatness!!

Friday, August 12, 2016

Health and Fitness Tip #90 - Tart Cherries?!? Why are they so good for you?

What’s so special about tart cherries?

1. Tart cherries have been shown to fight belly fat.

One study showed that lab animals fed a high-fat diet mixed with tart cherry powder didn’t gain as much weight as others fed the same diet without it.  Plus they had lower blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. Pretty good for such a tiny fruit!

2. Tart cherries are a great recovery food for athletes.

Drinking one cup of tart cherry juice right after a workout is a great way to reduce soreness. Less pain means you’ll work out harder.

3. Suffering with arthritis or joint pain?

Drinking tart cherry juice twice daily for three weeks has been shown to reduce inflammation just as well as aspirin does. Tart cherries have 3 times more anthocyanins than their cousin, the Black Cherry.

4. Want better sleep?

There have been lots of studies that say drinking tart cherry juice twice a day boosts melatonin levels. Melatonin is the hormone that makes us drowsy at night.

Just one ounce half an hour after you wake up in the morning and again after dinner is all you need.

5. They’re a cancer fighting fruit.

Along with anthocyanin, cherries also have high levels of Vitamin C, beta-carotene and boron. Put those four together and you’ve got powerful protection against cancer.

Cherries help fight against genetic mutations, and they help slow the growth cancer cells.

6. Cherries are high in potassium.

That means that they’re great at helping you control your blood pressure. They also cut down on bloating caused by too much salt.

7. Tart cherries are one of the best fixes around for fighting gout.

If your uric acid levels are hard to control and you suffer from gout’s painful swelling, eating just 45 cherries after fasting has been proven to be a big help.

When cherries are in season, enjoy them fresh. Out of season, put dried cherries into your salad, or drink tart cherry juice. You can find it in the bottled juice aisle at your supermarket. Make sure you read the labels to avoid sugar and other additives.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

NEW RECIPE!!! Black Bean Humus!!

Black Bean Hummus

Yes you are reading that right. Black Bean Hummus, I mean Hummus is made from chickpeas which is a bean, so how is this any different?

Its not! Actually it tastes great! I like it more with chips, but dipping veggies in it is great too! 

Its super easy to make and it doesn't call for a lot of ingredients! 

Try it the next time you have company over or in the for veggies and dip or chips and dip. You won't only enjoy it but it will satiate you more than any  other dip you have had before! 

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Another Country Heat Transformation

#TransformationCountry Heat

Holy Moly!! Look at these results!!
Lisa L. lost 18 pounds and 9.75 inches in 30 days with Country Heat.
She was able to use the modifier when necessary and keep the moves low-impact, and she still saw great results!
Country Heat allowed her to change her mindset about exercise and working out. She found that she can have fun doing something other than playing sports.
She learned that a person doesn’t have to be in condition to get in better shape—you can start right where you are (everyone can dance!) and progress from there.
One of the best things about Country Heat is that it’s easy on your joints. Lisa saw amazing results doing low-impact moves. On some moves, Lisa could increase the intensity but on other moves, she kept her movements low impact and saw results.
Country Heat is seriously for anyone!! And it's great for moms with kids!!
Why?!? Because it has TOP HITs you hear on the radio now, fun moves and real results!!
Oh and of course the meal plan is amazing, simple, and SUPER easy to follow so you can get on track and stay on track with your nutrition!!
I have so many clients doing this program I have to open up a second group!!
And I still have 5 spots open!! So email at to reserve your spot.
FYI: This program is going to be BIGGER than the 21 Day Fix. Just sayin! 😮

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

New Recipe - Stuffed Sweet Potatoes 2 Ways

Stuffed Sweet Potato Recipes

Are you mexican fan? Do you like to mexican food but not always eat the processed shells? Do you like sweet potatoes? Did you ever think of combining the 2? Did you know you could use your sweet potato as your taco shell?

WELL...You can!! 

Stuffed Sweet Potatoes are something I would never have thought of doing 5 years ago, let a lone eat them! Haha 

Now I crave them! And different ways to make them. These 2 ways are my top favorites! And they are DELICIOUS!!! 

They are a Must Try!!

Do you stuff your sweet potatoes? If so how do you make them? I would love new ideas!! 

Veggie Fajita Stuffed Sweet Potato

Quinoa Stuffed Sweet Potato

Monday, August 8, 2016



Did you know that is what it costs to franchise a MCDONALDS oR DUNKIN DONUTS?!?
Did you know that when you do open one they given you the PROVEN business system that works and if you follow it you will make money and be successful?
Did you know that COACHING is the SAME when it comes to giving you the PROVEN business system / activities that if you do them, daily and consistently you will be SUCCESSFUL!
Oh and with coaching it's only 💲140 to start! And that $140 is INVESTING in YOU!! Your health and fitness!
3 years ago it sounded like a lot. I had just moved in with Rich, quit my second job, and was planning for a wedding. 
So to say I had $140 laying around, it would be a lie.
But I did it anyways, I took $140 and invested it into coaching. Coaching what?!? I had no clue. I honestly didn't know what I was getting into but my guy said do it, jump, this is it, this is what you are looking for. 
So I did! I didn't think twice of not having the money! I just DOVE head first into an opportunity, that has FOREVER changed my life! 
And now almost 3 years later, I am no longer teaching! I have been able to quit my full time teaching job and work as a FULL TIME coach! Meaning I get paid full time, but work part time / set my own schedule! 
I am leading a team of strong men and women that are building their teams. I am leading a 2015 PREMIERE team! And I am leading a team that is working towards ending the year as an Elite team! 
I am looking for individuals that want a life of freedom. That want to stay home and raise their kids. That want to get out of the rat race. 
Team Fearless Dreamers is on fire and we are getting ready to end this year on top and head into 2017 with an explosion! 
Will you be joining us? Will you be part of of this team that is on fire? 
This is your sign! Don't wait any longer!! If you want a life of freedom, be able to stay home and raise your kids, go on fun trips, and enjoy helping others. 
Yes you will have to make a small investment, but your not just investing in a job opportunity, your investing in a longer life, a happier life, a healthier life!
If you are ready to take this journey, if you are ready to invest in your future, then message me, like this post, or email me
Let's get you started on the life you've been dreaming of!