Thursday, August 18, 2016

NEW RECIPE!!! NO Bake Deliciousness!!

No Bake Recipes!!! 

I am ALWAYS looking for recipes to make that I don't have to bake and that I can freeze and pull out for times that I travel!! And these 2 recipes below are amazing! Not only are they healthy for you but they help you get protein in so that you are satiated longer, especially when on the go and traveling! 

No-Bake Workout Bars

These bars are great to take with you to the gym, have at home to have after your workout, or to have on hand when you go for longer runs or bike rides! 

Oatmeal Strawberry Bites 

These bites are delicious and can have a scoop of protein powder added to them for the extra punch in your nutrition with your protein in take!

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