Monday, August 15, 2016

Meant for More


Have you ever thought that? Have you ever KNOWN that you were meant for something great? Something bigger?
I have always known that I was meant for more. And I thought that more was with teaching.
I have a servant's heart. And helping others is what makes me feel like I am making a difference.
But by my 8th year of teaching, I didn't feel that this was what I was meant to do.
Don't get me wrong, I loved the kids, but there was something missing. I knew I had greatness inside me, I knew I was meant for more, I knew I was meant to HELP more people and do more!
And that's when Beachbody came into my life.
Did I know anything about it? No
Did I know what I was getting into? No
Was I in the best shape of my life? FAR FROM IT!
Was I a fitness and nutrition expert? No!
But when I heard of the opportunity to help others get fit, healthy, happy and confident, I knew this was the calling I was looking for. I knew with this that I could make an impact on others and do MORE!
And even though I have been doing this for 3 years now, I am just getting started! Helping others is my Jam! And I plan to continue to not only help others get healthy, but I plan to continue to help others with their financial situation.
So let me ask you....have you always felt that you were meant for greatness?
Are you looking for something more?
Coaching can help you with that! Coaching can give you that feeling of greatness.
Coaching has changed my life in so many ways, but the one way it's changed the most, is the yearning for greatness!
Never in a million years would I think I could help others like I have. Never did I think me, an INTROVERT, could build a successful business. Never did I think that I could work on the beach, love what I do, and still make money, for working just an hour a day.
But...I am! Because I KNEW I was meant for greatness!!
And now I want to share with you everything that has made me and my team successful! I want to help you become a part of my team, so that I can help you work towards your goals - whether they are making a supplemental income, replacing your salary, or just having the extra income to spend.
Don't ask why? Ask yourself why not?!?
Email me at to learn more about coaching and how you can get started on your journey towards greatness!!

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