Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Motivational Wednesday - Obstacles: Lets make them melt!

Most obstacles melt away when we make up our MINDS to walk boldly through them.

Obstacles can be to scary! They can be debilitating. They can take up all our time. They stop us from moving on, moving forward. They stop us from stepping outside our comfort zone. They stop us from thinking positive.
Do you know what our biggest obstacle is? We all have the same one in common, too!
It's our minds! Our minds and our thoughts are our biggest obstacles! When we think something it becomes true. When we tell ourselves over and over again that we can't, then our thoughts and our actions make it happen.
But when you conquer your mind, conquer your thoughts and walk BOLDLY though them, then that is where the magic happens!
Today I want you to start thinking more positively, today I want you to start conquering your thoughts and your mind little by little. Take one thought at a time and walk boldly through it!
Make today your day that you conquered the biggest obstacle in your life, Your thoughts!

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