Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Stat Day!! Non Scale Victory!!


It's stat day and today's stats are a NON-SCALE VICTORY from yours truly!
It's fall and jeans can either be your best friend or your worst enemy! I must admit, I hate jeans! They never fit and I always feel big in them.
Today I was able to fit into one of my favorite pair of jeans that I haven't worn or felt good in, in over 2 years!
I am so excited! Trust me it didn't come easy!!
I am human and have lately been having too many cheat meals or treats on the weekend, but for past 3 weeks, I have ZONED in on my nutrition while doing yoga and I am HAPPY to say that I can NOW fit into my jeans and feel CONFIDENT in them!
When it comes to working out and eating clean, I don't do it to look skinny, I do it to feel great and confident in my clothes.
And the last 3 weeks have proven successful at JUST that!

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