Monday, September 25, 2017

I'll Admit, Control Freak Right HERE!!


Yes, I will admit it, I am a complete Control Freak! 
And when I say complete I mean, I need to be in control of EVERYTHING! 
And when I am not I FREAK out.
However, I can tell you this that in the past year I am learning to give my control over to God. And these past 2 months have been very hard, to give up that control.
But I have and let me tell you, not only am I less stressed and worried, but I have been blessed beyond my wildest dreams just by giving up my control and handing it over to God.
Do I still get scared sometimes? Yep!
Do I still question it sometimes? Yep!
But then I remember that God has a plan and I just need to let him do his work. Because it's not my will it's his, it's not my way, but his. And it's not my time, it's his.
Life can be hard and scary. It can be stressful and wearisome. But when you give it all to God, life turns out to be beautiful and worth all the ups and downs you've had and will have.
Because let's be honest, you have the best guide leading you!

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