Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Motivation Wednesday - Consistency


It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. Its what we do CONSISTENTLY.
Consistency is the key to all success, whether it be weight loss, rank advancement in your job, getting a new job, or just being happy.
Consistency is the magic pill, it's the magic formula that we are all looking for! 
Consistency is doing the small things everyday that add up over time. It's the doing those things whether we want to or not.
Consistency is easy to do and it's easy not to do! 
So today, being half way through the week, decide continue to consistent. Decide to continue to workout no matter the day or how you feel. Decide to continue to eat clean and healthy even if it's easier to go out to eat. Decide to be happy and not let the haters bring you down! 
Decide, commit, and succeed with consistency this week, this month, and for the rest of the year!

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