Friday, August 2, 2019

Health and Fitness Tip #238 - Key Focus Areas for Changing Your Lifestyle

Key Focus Areas for Changing Your Lifestyle 

There are many moving pieces that we can tap into to feel empowered in our own wellness journey.

The key focus areas that I always recommend my clients pay attention to are community, spirit, emotional health, relationships, nutrition, movement, purpose, and mindset. Within these areas, we can have a dramatic influence on our immediate and future health.

There is so much you can do to help yourself to prevent, treat, and heal disease no matter what situation you’re in. You have the power to change your health and these areas are where it all begins.

Science shows us that a sense of community is correlated to longer, healthier, and happier lives. Get involved in things you care about and your community connections will naturally fall into place.

Our values and personal truths keep us grounded in integrity and deepening this connection to ourselves gives us strength and resilience.

Our emotional health impacts our physical health, there is no way around it.

What we fuel our body with affects everything—energy levels, weight, immune system, hormones, all of it.

Do the people in your life lift you up, inspire you, give you joy?

Exercise is called a polypill because it does so much to benefit the entire body. Cardiovascular health, mood, metabolism, bone strength, the list goes on and on. 

When we feel we are sharing our unique gifts with others we feel useful, appreciated, validated, and meaningful. 

Your mindset is your collection of attitudes—how you respond to challenges, express gratitude, manage your time, and take care of yourself are just some of the parts of your life that you can assess to get a better understanding of your mindset.

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