Monday, August 19, 2019

Monday Motivation - Spirit


A sense of spirit is like a very strong self-awareness, encompassing our inner passions, values, and beliefs, everything that makes us, us. 

And when we are tuned in to it we are better able to navigate the ups and downs of life.

Your spirit is your deepest sense of self, an invaluable aspect of life that, all too easily, can be pushed aside when things get hectic.

Our values and personal truths keep us grounded in integrity and deepening this connection to ourselves gives us strength and resilience. 

No matter what your religious or spiritual practices, you can tap into your individual sense of spirit by doing daily “gut-checks” to listen to your intuition and taking quiet downtime to reflect, journal, meditate or pray—whatever helps you feel more connected to yourself.

How can you regain your sense of spirit?

Take time every day to check in with yourself. How are you feeling? Are you spending time doing things you want to do, or things you feel obligated to do? Do you feel fulfilled? 

Stop worrying about other people’s expectations of you. Life is not static, as humans we need to be able to learn from our experiences, grow, and change. 

And meditate. It so greatly helps me clear all of the chaos of a busy mind, step back from my commitments, and regain balance between my mind and body. This has been an essential step in rekindling my spirit and regaining the spiritual vitality that I had, at one point, lost.

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