Monday, August 5, 2019

Motivational Monday - Set Backs

Set Backs

I firmly believe that, all too often we get set back in life, because we refuse to walk through our deepest pain.  

We fill our time and our energy with other things to keep us avoiding feeling our pain. 

It could be good things or not so good things.  

From serving in church, to stay busy, to going out with friends.  
From drinking alcohol, to becoming a workaholic. 

We do everything to run from feeling the hurt, and the pain, and in doing so we prolong healing, we prolong purpose, we prolong true freedom and blessings. 

Be brave! 

CHOOSE to WALK through the pain. 
Face it head on. 
Feel every inch of it, and cry out to God to heal you in the process. 

And then be willing to walk in whatever it is God calls you to! 
Because pain often reveals your greatest purpose.

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