Friday, August 16, 2019

Health and Fitness Tip #240 - Fitness Friday

Fitness Friday.......

Fitness looks different for everyone. Some tread lightly and do what they can, while others push their limits to the extreme and then push farther.  No matter where you’re at on your fitness journey, you’re in route. 

We call it getting 1% better every day. 1% stronger, disciplined, active, and moving towards what’s good in your life. It’s not always pretty. There are days when the 1% falls short, but here’s the thing........we always pick ourselves up and go at it again. If you’re in this group, your want better in your life. You want more. You go after that 1% daily. 

Give yourself a hand. You’re here, making “shift” happen! Relating this to our 60 hour metabolic reboot, yes it’s hard at times, but being unhealthy is harder! What we want most vs what we want now are two different wants. You learn to discipline your wants. Categorize them if you will......I WANT to make it through this 60 hr reboot, more than I WANT that French fry my kid just dropped. 

Mindset is everything. I truly believe with the right mindset, you’ll accomplish anything you set out to do. Your mind will give up before your body does. 

Again, fitness does not look the same for every one. Find your passion for fitness, on YOUR level. That could mean bicycling, running, walking, lifting, dancing, cardio-ing, swimming, paddle boarding.....basically anything ending in “ing”. Just stay müving. Your body will appreciate you. Your brain will appreciate you. Your spouse will appreciate you. Müving creates endorphins. Endorphins make people happy. Happy people live longer. Choose your happy wisely, and make it a GREAT Friday!! Let’s hear some ways you’re creating your happy today! 

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