Monday, October 27, 2014

Insanity is Over!!!

AHHHH I did it!! I finished the 60 day program of insanity!! I cant believe that 60 days have passed already and that I actually completed the program. It's funny because as I reflect on the past 6 months and seriously 6 months ago I laughed at people who talked about insanity. I thought they were insane for doing the program let alone LOVING it!! And here I am 6 months later, I am going to tell you I LOVED it!!! Insanity is amazing! Don't get me wrong, its tough, but the feeling of accomplishment that you get when you finish a workout is amazing. Also the confidence it built in me, is indescribable!

Insanity changed my body in so many ways! I am not of the average person, why? Because most people who do a program lose weight. NOT ME!!! WHAT?!?!? I actually gained 5 pounds!! HOW? I gained 5 pounds of muscle. I have curves and muscles that I never thought I had through out my body. Also with doing insanity, I had to eat more than I normally do. So yes, I gained 5 pounds. Does it look it? No and yes. It isn't fat so I don't look different but if you see my thighs and my arms then you can see the difference and where the muscle is new.

I would do this program again! I think it is a great winter program, especially because in the winter we like to eat more because of the cold and dearie weather. This program boosts your metabolism and keeps you warm through the winter months!

Here are my results from Day 1 to Day 60. You will see how much I improved in some areas and very little in others. The areas I improved in where my weak areas and the areas I only did a little was because I was already strong there.

My 2 biggest accomplishments were the Power Jumps and the push up jacks! They are what impressed me the most!!!


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