Monday, October 13, 2014

Start of week 8 of INsanity!!!

I can't believe its already the second to last week of Insanity! There are 10 weeks but week 10 is just a recovery week, so this is really the second to last week! All I can say about it is, I LOVE IT and I hate it at the same time. This program is seriously amazing.

The second month of insanity is really when you see results both physically and mentally. Going an hour hard, is nothing now to me, when it was tough the first month, my endurance has increased majorly since the first week and month, and my body has drastically changed! I have muscles popping out that I have never seen before, all from this program. I am not lifting or doing any other program. I love the program and the results I am getting so far and Can't wait to post my befores and afters.

This program is a challenge, but its a challenge that everyone should take, if they have the time.

This is my Fit Test Results! I actually went up in every category. Some only by 1 or 2 and others by 10 or more! So excited to see that I am getting Stronger and Better each time.

Max Interval Circuit gets me every time! I am drenched in sweat and exhausted by the end but at the same time high as a kite because I finished it and kicked butt!!

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