Thursday, October 9, 2014

3 more foods that will boost your energy and set your metabolsim on Fire

Here are 3 MORE foods that set your Metabolism on Fire and Boost your Energy All Day!

  1. Berries: I call them “nature’s candy”! They are naturally sweet, and are PACKED full of antioxidants, metabolism-boosting vitamins and phytochemicals, and cancer-fighting flavanoids. Blueberries and raspberries also contain lutein, which helps promote healthy vision.


2.    Cayenne Pepper: You may have heard people say that spicy food boosts your metabolism…. But are they right?!  Well, yes – as long as that spicy food isn’t from the greasy Mexican restaurant down the street.  The reason why cayenne pepper raises your metabolism is this: spicy food raises your body temperature, which then forces your body to work harder to cool itself down.  This “cooling” process actually requires calories…which thus generates a sort of “fire” for your metabolism.  So, if you can take the heat, GO FOR IT!  Sprinkle it (sparingly) on your turkey or chicken or on your lean hamburgers. You can even use it to spice up your veggies and your soup, if you dare.


3.    Chicken breast: Like turkey, this is a lean meat that no diet should be without!  Just don’t forget to remove the skin, and don’t eat it fried… as this totally kills all the health benefits.

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